Therapy Cat

Hi! This is Skamp. Kolbie and I have been discussing the new year around the water dishes. We have been discussing the various jobs that need to be done by us around the house and the best way to go about those tasks. We have also been thinking a lot about what talents we each have and how to best use those talents. Everyone should do this.
I have been the Chief House Cat for about three years. I like the job and the importance of keeping my humans safe and informed of things they should be aware of. However, I'm not sure if it is the best job for me. It involves getting you fur messed up, being constantly watchful and intimidating intruders. I don't mind being watchful, but I hate getting my fur messed up. It takes so long to groom back into place. I'm also having a bit of trouble with the whole intimidation thing. I am a big cat, but I am also very beautiful. People don't take me seriously when I hiss and growl. They think it's cute.
I've been giving serious thought to handing the Chief House Cat position to Kolbie. He's my assistant and is quick, smart and agile. He can also turn on the feline charm when he needs to. He would be perfect for the job. He is a short hair cat and his fur is much harder to mess up. I'll still be around to help him out when he needs backup or a nap.
I've been reading about therapy animals. There are many dogs and cats that work with humans and help them to feel better. This sounds like a good job for me.
I would be very good at this for several reasons. The first one is that I am beautiful. I have long silky black hair and a graceful walk. People would feel better just looking at me. People could also groom me and pet my fur and that would make them feel better. I also have a deep, soothing purr that would be very comforting to listen to.
Last week, Sherry Rae, who is one of our hew humans, was having a bad day. I hung around with her. I think she liked it. She thinks I'm a gentleman. I had fun. I was encouraged by my success.
My plan is to be the Chief Therapy Cat for the humans that live here. I would not want to work with strange humans as they might smell weird. There will be enough here for me to do and I can help Kolbie when he needs it.
Therapy cats should have soothing names. Skamp is a cool name, but not soothing. My therapy cat name will be Scampurrrrr. Doesn't that sound soothing? I bet you feel better already just saying it. If you roll the 'r' at the end it sounds even better. Scampurrrrrrr..... I'm going to like this job a lot.


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