Taking the Girls Shopping

We have a busy day planned. C is working until noon and then we are going to take Carrie and Sherry Rae out to lunch. The we are going to shop.
We aren't going to be shopping for clothes, shoes or anything really glamorous. We are going to buy groceries and cleaning supplies. The ladies have moved into an apartment of their own and we agreed to help them out.
This is something we have done before. Last year when Carrie moved out we took her grocery shopping about once a month. The first visit was the major stock up. After that we had a budget of about $100. This was to make her think about what she was getting and how much it would cost. A little rudimentary lesson in budgeting if you will.
This is one of my favourite things to do. Both of them are struggling college students and in the acting program at the U of M. It sounds a little crazy , but I think back to medieval times when artists had benefactors that helped them out while they painted or wrote music. I feel a little like I am supporting the arts this way.
I like doing things for other people. I have an elderly customer who gets her prescriptions mailed to her sometimes. When we mail something, I draw a picture and put it in her package. I can't draw worth a darn, but she likes it and she gets a little upset if I forget to to it. I'm not sure who likes it more, me or the person on the other end.
There is one string we attach to the help that we give Sherry Rae and Carrie. I told Carrie that if she ever wins a Grammy, Tony or other televised award, she has to mention me by name in her thank you speech. I'm half joking when I say this. I don't really expect her to do it, but it would be really cool if she did. In reality I have told both of them that if they find themselves in a position to help another who is struggling, I expect them to do so.
C and I feel very strongly about helping those in need. "To whom much is given much is required." are not just idle words for us. It is a commandment that means not just giving money, but also our time and talents where and when needed. There have been many times in both of our lives when we have been helped by others. We also feel that the best way to pay it back is by paying it forward. We may not be able to solve all the world's problems this way, but we can improve our corner of it.
It looks like I've jumped on my soapbox again.
I'm looking forward to this shopping trip. I know Sherry Rae likes to cook so we may be buying more than just macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly and ramen noodles. We could be buying flour, baking soda and cinnamon. We'll probably be buying honey and yogurt maybe some granola. It's interesting to see what they will get.
We are going to start out by feeding them lunch. While we eat we are going to make out a grocery list if they haven't done so already. We'll also see if there are other things that they need and buy them if we have time.
It's going to be a fun afternoon.


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