Random Assorted Stuff


    Last week I harvested carrots from our garden. I filled two gallon sized bags with carrots and there are more carrots to harvest. One of the things I did was make carrot cake. I always wanted to make carrot cake with carrots I grew myself. I only needed to use one carrot. Maybe I'm a little biased, but it might have been the best carrot cake I've ever made. I may make more and freeze it. We've also been having stir fry about once a week. It's another good way to use carrots. 

    C and I went to a movie on Monday, The last time this happened was when we went to see the movie 'The Post' in 2017. I get motion sick in movie theatres so I have to take medicine if I want to see a movie. I wanted to see the movie 'Conclave'.  

    I forgot how nice theatres are now. The seats are armchairs where you can put your feet up. There's a place to put a cup of soda. The seats are far enough apart that you don't have to share an armrest with anyone. I was very comfortable watchin the movie. Maybe too comfortable because I drifted off a little bit. That happens sometimes with motion sickness meds. I did see most of it.

    The movie is based on a book so I checked the online library catalog to see if I could check it out to read. The wait list has 28 people on it. Since you can keep the book for 3 weeks, I'd have to wait a bit over a year and a half to read it. I decided to pick up a copy of my own. It's been out for a few years so  it wouldn't be too expensive. I started reading it and I had trouble putting it down. When it is available for streaming, we'll watch it again.

    We adopted Barnaby a year ago this week. Willow was not happy having him around. It took a few weeks before she came to accept him. They get along well now and enjoy playing with each other. I remember when we went to meet him. The woman who was caring for him handed him to me. He curled up into my shoulder and began to purr. I've never had a cat do that on the first meeting. I really wanted to take him with us and decided on the spot to adopt him as long as he tested negative for a few feline diseases.  C wasn't sure about him at first, but Barnaby won him over. He went from being a small fluff ball to being a long cat with a big tail. His only drawbacks are that he likes to chew and he sheds a lot. Pretty normal for a long haired cat.

    We are looking forward to Thanksgiving. There is so much for which to be grateful.



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