We're Happy Here


   Hi, This is Barnaby. Mom has a busy day today so I am writing her column. Willow is helping me because her paws are smaller so she can type better than I can.

   We are happy living here. This is a nice house and these are good humans. Here are a few reasons why we like living here.

   Food and treats. We like the food that we get and are happy that we don't have to hunt. Sometimes Willow says she'd like to hunt the squirrels we see outside the window. I'm not sure about that. The squirrels look a little scary to me. C gives us a gravy stick that we share. It's really good although sometimes I think Willow gets more than her share. (No I don't- Willow) We also like our drinking fountain that has fresh water in it every day. I like to hide puff balls in it. Willow and Sophie don't like that when it happens

   A nice house. We have a nice house. It has large windows that allow us to see the front and back yards. That is very helpful as we need to alert the humans to possible intruders. Once a flock of large scary birds were in our front yard. Willow wanted to confront them but I didn't think that would be a good idea. The birds were very large and I was afraid she'd get hurt. We resorted to staring at them. They eventually left the yard. Sophie says that are Canadian geese. I think they should be called Minnesota geese since they live in Minnesota. We have two cat trees and one of them is good for sharpening our claws. Sophie doesn't like us sharpening our claws on her chairs. (We do it anyway.) There are good sleeping places and our litterbox is kept clean. We also have a lot of open space to run and hide. Willow enjoys a good game of chase or hide and seek. Willow likes to play hide and seek with Sophie.

   We have good humans. They are nice to us and they love us. They brush us, cuddle with us and play with us. I like the cuddles.  They're getting better at picking out toys. They figured out that I like sparkle balls and Willow likes springs. We can even get them to play fetch with us. We roll a toy their direction and they bring it back to us. 

   I think I hear Sophie getting breakfast for us. It's time to eat. Bye!


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