The Organ


   C had some exciting news to tell me. Our elderly female neighbor was downsizing with an eye to moving into a smaller place sometime in the next few years. C had gone to visit and play his new song for her. During the course of the conversation she offered to give him an organ. After showing him the features of the organ, he said yes. When he picked me up from work he told me about it.

   I was not happy about this. For the past several years we were trying to declutter and get rid of things we no longer need and use. The last thing we need is an organ. 

   Where were we going to put it? Our living room is not that large. The family room in the basement would be the best place, but neither of us liked the thought of a 400 plus pound instrument going down our stairs. There was only one place it could go, in the music room with the rest of our instruments.

  I had ideas about what I wanted for our music room. I wanted to be able to store instruments there and also for it to be used as practice space. Since the organ would be taking up space, there would be less room for instruments and less practice space. I just couldn't see the need for an organ. We didn't have room for a piano, how would be have room for an organ?

   C's original plan was to ask for help from men at church to help him move it, this plan was quickly discarded in favour of getting a moving company that is used to moving instruments to bring it to us. C began to clean out the music room moving some of the instruments downstairs.

   Yesterday was the day the movers brought the organ. We went to our neighbor's house in the morning to bring the stool and music books over. She had decorated a pan of donut holes with decorative picks and icing saying "Good Bye Rhapsody" (The model name of the organ.) Once I got a good look at the organ I could see why C would want it. It wasn't as large as I thought and is a lovely instrument. A closer inspection revelated that it had a lot of bells and whistles that would appeal to C. A large number of books including instruction books were included with the organ.

   The movers were very good and quick. In less than half an hour they had to organ in our house and all set up. I was afraid it would look cramped in our music room, but it doesn't. C turned it on and began to explore it. We tried the various buttons and voices on the organ. C tried out the preprogrammed rhythms. He found the computer disks that had songs on them so the organ to play tunes on it's own.

  Another concern I had was the the organ would be too loud for the room. It was not going to be a problem. There were a lot of volume controls. I wouldn't have to worry about drowning out all other sounds in the house while playing it.

  It's going to be interesting exploring it.



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