The First is the Worst


   Last week C and I decided that it was time to get the bikes out. The wheel passes for the Cannon Valley Trail had come in the mail. The weather was nice and it was time to ride.

   We got a later start than we had planned. We had some discussion over riding the CVT or  a trail nearer to home. We eventually decided to ride the CVT starting at the Welch midpoint and riding toward Cannon Falls. The trail has a slight incline going that direction and we thought it would be easier. Having made that decision, C loaded up our bikes while I dressed and got our water bottles ready.

   After the bikes were secured, we took off. It was a pleasant drive. We were both eager to get riding.

   We pulled into the parking lot and found a space. There were not many people riding late yesterday morning. It's one of the reasons why we like to go on the weekdays. The trail is less crowded. Our plan was to bike to Cannon Falls and eat lunch at a coffeeshop that we like. After lunch we would return to Welch.

   Since this was our first ride of the season we decided to take it slow and to stop every three miles or so. It's ten miles to cannon Falls so this seemed like a good idea. There were a lot of birds out including bluebirds. I have never seen bluebirds before. They are beautiful with their bright blue feathers. C saw a finch flying around and many robins with their orange breasts.

   It took us an hour and a half to get to Cannon Falls. (Normal time one hour) We didn't mind. We got to the coffee shop and ordered sandwiches and Italian sodas. They have a really good peach syrup that they use. C had a cheese sandwich made with locally made cheese. He liked it. My buffalo chicken wrap was really good.  We split a half scoop of ice cream.

   The way back was a little rougher. Everything started to hurt. I was getting saddle sore. This happens with the first few rides of the season. I tried to shift around little bit, but moving hurt worse than staying still. My wrists were getting a little sore and my quad and triceps were screaming at me. The stops we made on the way back helped a little. C was sore too.

   We got back to Welch very sore and tired. C slowly put the bikes on the bike rack and secured them. As sore as we were, I wondered if we should have taken the trail near our home which was shorted. 20 miles for a first ride may have been a bit too much.

   Today I feel pretty good which is surprising considering the condition I was in yesterday. The first ride is always the worst. Next time will be better.



  1. It was a beautiful day! Look forward to many more rides!


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