Random Assorted Stuff
Most of you who have read this column know that there are times when I have trouble finding something to write about. A lot of the time I have a few ideas but none of them can generate enough words to be a full blown column. That's where the random assorted stuff comes in. Today is going to be a few random thoughts not in any certain order. In a few hours the workers are coming to install a new garage door. It will be a steel door unlike our current wood one and it will match some of the trim on our house. It's going to make things look so much better. Once it is installed, the only things that will need to be done are to paint the front door and some of the trim around the windows. The house will look much better after that. Anyone who owns a house knows that home improvements are never done. We need to reseal the driveway sometime soon. We would also like to paint inside. The downstairs family room first followed by my bathroom, the...