Flu Shot


   Last week I did something I haven't done in a very long time. I got a flu shot.

   I know it is pretty ridiculous some for one who gives vaccines to avoid receiving what is thought of as a very common one, but I did. The reason has to do with a preservative which is used in multidose vials of flu vaccine.  I'm allergic to the preservative so I avoided getting flu shots and had to be very careful when giving one from a multidose vial. There are preservative free versions of the vaccine that have been around for awhile, but I was still nervous. I have strange allergies. A lot of the time I don't know I'm allergic to something until I encounter it. I've had instances where I've had allergic reactions to various types of makeup and perfumes where it is difficult to figure out just what I'm allergic to. (Which is why I don't wear make up anymore.) I worried that there would be something else in a flu vaccine that would trigger a reaction.

   The reason I chose to get the vaccine is my parents. I visit them once a week. They look forward to that visit every week. ( My sister also visits once a week.) I don't want to have to miss a week because I've caught the flu so I decided to get the shot. If I reacted to it then I'd know not to get it again.

   I did all the paperwork, billed my insurance and let my boss know I wanted a flu shot. She gave me both my Covid boosters so I know that she is good. I don't watch when I get a shot, but I could feel that needle go in. For the rest of my shift my arm hurt from shoulder to wrist. I must have tensed up. 

   My arm eventually stopped hurting. The only place that hurt was right around where the vaccine went in. This is common so I didn't worry. The next day I felt a little sick. Nothing I couldn't handle. In fact I was a bit happy about it, because I knew it was my immune system working to protect me. I just wish it could do its job without my noticing it. It only lasted about half a day. I felt better and the sore spot on my arm improved as well.

   The good news is that none of the reactions had were allergic ones. All were ones that happened commonly when someone gets a vaccine. This is good news for me. I don't have to worry about getting flu shots anymore.



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