It's a Wonderful Life


   Hopefully everyone has a period of time in their lives where they are happy. Things are going well and life is very good.

   I'm having one of those times right now. Life is good here in Minnesota. 

   Our new flooring is all that we hoped for. It looks like a wood floor to me even though I know that it's actually vinyl. It so much easier to keep clean and the smelly old carpet is gone. We're debating on doing some painting before we move furniture and the TV back into place. We realized that we have a nice carpet that will look good on the floor and give it some warmth. It will be so nice to enjoy the space and perhaps to have visitors.

   Last weekend we went to a festival in Red Wing. Small town festivals are always fun for me. There was music, food from local restaurants and a lot of people and dog watching. They had craft booths down by the river. One of the big ships that cruise down the river was docked at the park. I've seen those boats on TV. They don't look that big. When you see it in person, you see how massive they are. I have no idea how many staterooms the boat had but it was too many for me to count. There were decks on both ends of the ship for people to sit and enjoy the view. 

   Looking at craft booths is one of my favourite things. I found a birthday present for a friend of mine, some healing salve made from honey and beeswax and a cute necklace with a cat on it. We got some kettle corn to eat on the way home. We both had a nice time.

   Willow is flourishing and getting used to the routine of the house. She loves to be chased and play hide and seek with us. She enjoys all her toys and is especially fond of balls and toys with fur and feathers. She had two toy mice that she carries around and hides. She also hides two sparkle balls as well. We love her very much.

   The garden is also doing well. We were concerned about the tomato plants as they were not producing fruit. Now they are and we have some to share with the neighbors. The cucumber plant had so many cucumbers that we are struggling to eat them before they go bad. The pepper plant has peppers on it. The basil, lemon balm and chamomile plants are all big and flowering out. The carrots look good and are ready for harvest.

   We have had a show of flowers as well. Daisies, several kinds of lilies and snapdragons have all bloomed. The bachelor button seeds I planted have grown and are starting to flower. I'll either have to winter sow them or start them inside in the spring next year.   

   C and I got out for a bike ride this week. It was good to ride on our favourite trail and enjoy a pizza at our favourite pizza place in Pepin when we were done riding. 

  My CPR recertification is done. My teacher made a house call so I could do my skills test. The only other things I have to do is renew my driver's license and take Willow in for her distemper booster shot.

   Our anniversary is soon as is my birthday so we have things to look forward to.  Today we have invited friends over for a meal. The day is warm and sunny. We had some rain yesterday. everything looks good. We are happy here. We hope that things are well with all of you too.



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