The Talk Pt 2/ Small Garden Miracles


   Someone wanted to know how the talk I gave at church on Sunday went. The answer is, not well. I started out with nervous tears and had more emotional tears during the talk. This seriously annoyed me because I do not like crying in public and I especially do not like tearing up while speaking publicly because it denotes a serious lack of self control. Having said that I did get a lot of positive comments after Sacrament meeting. I went outside to be by myself  after sacrament meeting because I was upset at how it had gone and ran into a woman who said that it was something she needed to hear.

   The personal story I told was from a few years ago when I suffered a serious hemorrhage and wound up having blood transfusions and eventual surgery. I was adamant that no one at church know what was going on. A few people did find out and I swore them to secrecy. I'm not a big fan of people knowing my private business. I also didn't want to be a burden on anyone. 

   Looking back on it my desire to keeep everyone away may have been a mistake. C could have used some support both in helping to care for me and emotional. I was so anemic that the surgery carried a bit more that the usual risk. There is a chance that someone might have needed a chance to help and good things might have come from that. I'll never know. The moral of the story was when you need help ask for it and when someone offers to help accept it gracefully.

   Yesterday I cleared the leaves off my garden. There were a lot of them from the honey locust tree in the front yard. One thing I like about clearing my garden off in the spring is that I never know what I might find. The first thing I found was that my lemon balm plant had come back strong and with big green sweet smelling leaves. The second thing I found was that one of the miniature snap dragons I planted last year seemed to have come back as well. This is not usual because snap dragons are annuals which means they don't come back. At least not in the growing zone I live in.

   The third thing I found were lots of lily plants. I think five of them in all. Some of them were given to me by my friend, Dana. The rest have just appeared. It will be intersting to see what they look like. 

   Yesterday evening, I went out to plant a couple new plants I bought last week. The lily plants looked taller than they did in the morning. I've never seen anything like it. The plants that cover the end of the garden looked like they were going to blossom, another thing that I hadn't noticed in the morning.

   My big mock orange bush is covered with buds for the first time in years. We are going to cut it down a bit after the flowering season. That means next year there will be no flowers so I'll have to enjoy them this year. The dwarf double mock orange has a couple buds on it. This is amazing to me as I wasn't sure this precious little bush was going to live through the winter. Another miracle!

   I'm going to go out now and water the new flowers I planted last night. I'm curious to see how big the lilies are now.


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