New Year


      Anyone who knows me well knows that I love the New Year's holiday. I'm a big fan of starting over and taking other chances. The idea of having the fresh slate of a new year makes me really happy. I also like celebrating the new year by eating junk food, staying up late and watching the clock strike midnight. 

    Something I like to do at this time is to make a list of things I 'd like to do or habits I'd like to develop this year. I don't like to make resolutions because things change during the year and priorities shift. Sometimes I manage to get most of the things on my list done. Sometimes, like this year, I have not.

   A year ago at this time I wanted to practice all of my instruments regularly and learn ASL. I wanted to do better with time management and clean up my diet a bit. I also wanted to vary my exercise routine and knot socks.

  I didn't get into the habit of instrument practice nor have I made any progress toward learning ASL. My time management skills are still pretty poor. I haven't tried to knit socks.

   My exercise routine has varied a little bit. I have done a couple of 30 day yoga journeys and signed up for a new one that starts in January. I have cleaned up my diet a bit although not consistently. C and I did manage to ride the entire Cannon Valley trail in both directions. I may not have knitted socks, but I am working on a ten stitch blanket which will use up my yarn stash and give me practice in skills that can help with sock knitting.

   What will be on my list for 2023? Regular instrument practice, more progress on varying my exercise routine and continuing to work on time management are definitely on this list. Cleaning up my diet and maybe losing some weight so I can fit into some of my clothes would be good. Drinking more water for sure. I'd like to read more books. Continue working on the ten stitch blanket so decrease my yarn stash. Organize my craft supplies and music books.

   C and I would like to paint my bathroom and get a new garage door. We'd also like to have a meal plan and be more organized about cooking and grocery shopping.

   The list is short and that's all right. One thing I've learned is that I don't do well with longs lists. I can always find more things to add once I feel it's time.

Happy New Year!

C, Sophie and Scamp




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