Getting Covid


   It started with a sore throat, so sore that swallowing hurt. They don't happen very often, but I have had them before. No big deal. A couple ibuprofen and get on with the day. This went on for a couple of days.

   Then came the fever. That was when I realised that this what not my usual very bad head cold.  We had several Covid tests in the house but they were all outdated. We opened them up to use them anyway and found out that the vial of liquid for the sample had dried up. I suppose that we could have put on our N95 masks and gone to get new tests, but we felt it was best to stay home.

   I knew it was going to happen someday. I'd been vaccinated,boosted and careful. However when you work with the public, especially sick people you're going to catch something, it's just a matter of time. All of the staff at the pharmacy had it already except for me and one tech. I have to admit that I was hoping that I'd be one of the asymptomatic ones or that my O blood type would protect me altogether. That was not to be. It was my turn.

   I'm not used to being sick. I don't get sick often and when I do I usually patch myself up with some ibuprofen and a spoonful of honey and do what needs to be done. Covid doesn't let you do that. I was too tired to do anything but sit on the couch and be sick. I didn't feel like reading or knitting. I hated it.

   The other thing it does is take away your appetite. I didn't mind that so much. My friend Ellen, left homemade chicken noodle soup on our doorstep once she found out we were sick. It was the best thing ever. I tried putting a little salsa in it to give it a different flavour and found that it was really good. I drank endless pots of tea and drank what felt like gallons of ice water. For some reason I was thirsty to the point of feeling parched.

   Then my back started to itch. I felt the back of my shoulder and it felt like hives. I asked Charles to look and sure enough the top half of my back was covered in little pink bumps. Once we determined that I did not have shingles, I took an antihistamine and went to bed. The antihistamine helped me to sleep and in the morning that bumps were gone. What had I got into? I've never had hives before? I decided maybe it was the cough drops I'd been using. We got a different brand. By mid afternoon my back started to itch again. The hives were back.

   This time I did a little investigation. It seems that it is possible to have hives when you have covid. This made me feel better. I have enough strange allergies, I didn't need to add one more to the list.

   I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm still coughing a bit and my voice isn't completely back. I feel I've gotten off lightly. It could have been much worse. Now I don't have to worry about getting it. I've had it. I survived and I'll be better prepared if there is a next time.


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