New Clothes


   I hate shopping for clothes, but when I discovered that I only had two or three pair of causal pants for summer and the skirts I had were not dressy enough to go out in, it was time to shop. Reluctantly C and I went to a department store where I hoped to find a few things at a reasonable price.

   You might think it strange that I  like to take C with me, but he has really good taste. He finds things that I don't think I'd like and when I try them on I like how they look. I know that he will be honest with me. He also won't give up until we find what I need.

   C dropped me off at the door and told me to start looking. He was going to park the car  and then would come in. To my dismay the choices were rather thin. I guess if you want summer clothes you have to buy them in February. Most of the things that I liked were not available in my size or were in colours that didn't match what I already had. I found a few things I thought would work and took them into a dressing room.

   That's when I was confronted by another reason why I hate to shop for clothes. I am short and stout like the teapot in the nursery song. Clothes are not made for people who are shaped like me. If I pick out a size that will fit my hips and waist, it will be way too long. If I choose the size that isn't too long, then I need to be shaped like a toothpick. It was rather discouraging.

   I finally found things that fit and ran into another reason to dislike shopping. The clothes that fit were in sizes that were much larger than I ever needed before. It almost made me feel sick to look at the numbers. I've been working out and trying as best I can to avoid empty calories. I don't eat sweets for the most part except on the weekends and even then I eat much less than I usually do. I still fit in to many of the smaller sizes I already own, yet my new things were in these much larger sizes. I wish women's clothes were sized like men's clothes based on actual body measurements. It would be a lot easier.

   I found several pairs of pants including a pair of workout capris. The capris have a pocket on the leg where I could put my phone when riding my bike. I wouldn't have to cram it into the pouch under my seat of have C carry it. One of the pairs of pants is wide legged style in a linen blend. I hadn't planned on buying it, but it looked so cool and comfortable that I did. I wore them to a church meeting later in the week and felt really comfortable in them. If I could I'd buy a few more pairs.

   This week I'm going to go through my clothes and get rid of things that no longer fit. My plan is to get rid of at least as many things as I've bought. I find find more things even better. 

   Then I'm going to enjoy my new clothes and pray that I won't have to go shopping again for a long long time.....



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