Scamp Gives an Update


   Hi! This is Skamp! 

   Sophie has a case of writers block so I am filling in for her today.  C has been complaining about the weather. It's been much colder than normal which means that the humans cannot go out and ride their bikes or do other things outside. He's found other things to do, but it makes him sad that it is rainy and cloudy.

   I, on the other hand, have no problem with the weather. There are lots of things to see outside. There are birds building nests and other animals outside. I watch them carefully to make sure that none of them harm my humans. I am the Chief HouseCat and take my duties seriously. 

   Another thing I like to do is watch cars. There are a lot of cars that pass by the house especially in the morning. They go very fast. I am surprised they do not crash they go so fast. Sophie says that they are not going as fast as they seem. I don't know. I always tell my humans to be safe when they drive in their car.  

   One thing I do like about the weather being what it is is that the humans are home more. I like having them around. I like to cuddle with them. Sometimes Sophie will give me a ride on her shoulders as she is doing things in the house. I also like that spring cleaning happens when the weather is like this. All my blankets get washed. They smell kind of funny until I have laid on them for a few days. 

   I got a little upset when C and Sophie threw away my favourite pillow on the chaise. I liked laying on that pillow. Colby used to lay on that pillow too. Sophie said it was dirty and out of shape and couldn't be cleaning or repaired. She gave me some new pillows to lay by and one that I like to rest my head on sometimes. It's not as good as the old one, but I'll get used to it. 

   I found a new training tool. In the room where C and Sophie practice their music is a basket of them. I found two furry mice that I like to practice with. Since I don't have to hunt, this keeps me in shape. It's good to move around a little bit.

   I just hear the clock strike the hour. It is time for me to patrol the house a little, grab a snack and take a nap.




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