

      Many people who know me would describe me as disorganized. They'd be partly correct. I have a lot of piles of things in my house, but I know what is in the piles. there are certain things that have their place and if they are not in their place, I have no idea where they might be.

   Last weekend, I organized the drawer that I keep my tea in. Lately my tea collection has been spilling onto other places and that is not good. I want all my tea in the tea drawer where I can find it. That way I know what I have and can replenish my stock as needed.  In the process of organizing, I did something I don't normally do. I Threw Away Tea. I've never thrown tea away before, but I had stuff that I didn't like and some that was old. I had bought some tea at a place and didn't notice that it had stevia in it. I don't like the bitter aftertaste that stevia has so I never drank it after I first tried it. It felt good to throw things out and clean up the drawer. When I finished the drawer looked good. Everything had a place everything was set so I can easily find what I want. It made me feel really good.

    I didn't realize how good it would make me feel. Mostly because I've never considered myself to be someone in need of order, at least at home. (work is a different matter.) There was something about seeing all those boxes of tea neatly arranged that just made me really happy. I was even happy throwing things away which is not like me. I tend to hold onto things for sentimental reasons. Throwing things away made me feel kind of free.

   I felt so good organizing the tea drawer that the next project is going to be the silverware drawer. There is a lot of clutter in that drawer and things are something hard to find. There may be some broken things that I can throw away. After the silverware drawer I'm going to tackle the candy drawer. There is some old candy in there that could definitely go. I'm looking forward to opening that drawer and finding what I want without having to dig.

   Having things organized is also going to save time and energy. I won't have to go searching for things because I'll know where they are. I won't have to dig around to find what I want. Just thinking about this makes me what to get started. Right after I send this column.






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