A Visit With the Campbells


   C got a text last week from Kent, who has been our friend for a long time. Kent and Susan, his wife, were coming to Minnesota on a trip and wanted to spend a little time with us. C and I were very pleased with this on several levels. We had not seen them in a long time. We were also pleased that they wanted to make sure we had some time together. They lived here for many years and have more friends than I can possibly count.

   Our meeting spot seemed an interesting one, We were to meet near a library in a nearby suburb. I was curious as to what kind of spot this might be. I knew this suburb well as we did lots of shopping there, but this spot by the library was new to me.

   They day of this visit came. We were unfortunately running a little late. C turned on his GPS and we made our way to the meeting place. Traffic wasn't too bad and we made good time.

   We got to the parking lot and found a spot. There were several entrances to choose from. We went through the big main entrance. I was pleasantly surprised. We were in a large area with small tables on one side. There was a small indoor park past where the tables were. Through a glass wall I could see the library. We looked around for a little bit and found Susan and Kent along with two of their daughters at one of the tables. 

   It looked like this was their home base for the past few hours. The table had some drink containers and a small laptop on it. After a round of hugs and greetings one of the daughters excused herself. She was taking some classes and had homework to do.

   We got down to some serious visiting. There were lots of things to share on all sides. They had new pictures of their grandchildren. There were pictures of the pond where Kent indulges in his favourite winter activity, boot hockey.

   I told them about my job and how much I like it. We talked about church callings and the pandemic. We talked about other things we were doing and things we wanted to do. They were planning to go up to northern Minnesota to look at some ice sculptures. 

     We visited for an hour or so. They had lunch plans with friends. C and I had some errands to run. After another round of hugs we parted company. We'd see them in church on Sunday. 

   It was so good to see them again. We have all kinds of technology today that allow us to stay in touch with far away friends. Nothing is as good as a person to person visit. (May have to return to that indoor park....)


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