I'm Not Ready for Christmas


   Christmas Eve is seven days from today and I'm not ready. I have one present I need to buy. I have a scarf I need to finish and ship. I've baked cookies but haven't made a plate to give to anyone, yet. I have little presents for my coworkers and am now wondering if I got enough. I realized that said presents need to be packaged somehow. I'm not sure if I have little gift bags or anything appropriate.

  We're getting the tree today. Hopefully we can get it decorated tonight because tomorrow I work all day.

   I'm really not ready. Did I mention I haven't sent out any Christmas cards either?

   We've been invited out for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I'm supposed to bring a dessert to Christmas Day dinner. I have  no idea what I'm going to bring. When we have Christmas dinner at home my dessert is Christmas cookies. I don't think that will work for a dinner with friends. I'm not sure if I'm going to squeeze in a little Yule Log time. (I really like Yule Log.) I know I'm not going to be able to track Santa through NORAD as I usually do. 

   This is why I'm not a big fan of the secular celebration of Christmas. It's one month of stress and trying to get things done with limited time and sometimes limited funds. All I really want to do is put up a tree and sip eggnog with the tree lights on, listen to good music and read a good book. Maybe contemplate if what I'm doing in my life is leading me closer to Heavenly Father or farther away. Perhaps look at ways I can make my corner of the world better or think of a kind act I could do for someone, just because. (Or cuddle with Scamp and be grateful that I have him)

   The usual housework isn't done there either. Dishes, laundry, sweep the floors, mop the floors and other kinds of cleaning. The house is a mess right now.

   I just need to take a deep breath right now and make a list of what needs to get done. Then do the list one at a time. Hopefully my coworkers will be all right with what I got them. (I'm much better at bigger presents than stocking stuffer things.) Do one thing at a time. It's going to be all right. January is right around the corner.....



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