Labor Day


   Today is Labor Day. It is the unofficial end to summer. Most children start school this week although some schools started last week. I always disliked Labor Day when I was a kid. School started the next day and I didn't like going to school. I didn't mind the studying and classes, but when you are a kid that gets bullied in school it's not something you look forward to. When I got into junior high and high school there was the added worry of getting lost inside the school building during class changes and potentially walking into class late. (Even after a year or two in the same school buildings I never quite lost this fear.) Also the only thing on TV was the Jerry Lewis Telethon. (This was in the years before cable TV.)

   The origin of Labor Day started during the industrial revolution. Various places designated the first Monday in September as a day to recognize laborers and their contribution to the achievements in the United States.  It was common to celebrate with parades and picnics. President Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a national holiday in 1894. That meant that federal workers would get the day off, but employee in other fields would not necessarily have a long weekend.

   I remember that a pharmacy chain I used to work for gave the pharmacy staff the day off on Labor Day. Eventually they started running a four hour shift on Labor Day and other holidays too. Since other larger chains were staying open, they felt that they needed to be open as well. It would not surprise me if they were not running normal ours on holidays.

   I have the day off today as does the rest of the pharmacy staff. I'm grateful to be working for an employer that for the the most part treats its employees well.

   Although the origin of Labor Day has mostly been lost in back to school sales and final long weekend travel, I think it would be a good idea to be more mindful of those who work especially those in customer service jobs like cashiers and wait staff at restaurants. They've been through a lot the past year or so. They have extra rules and things they must do to keep us safe during this pandemic.  Be kind to them, today and every day.


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