17 Years


   Today is our 17th wedding anniversary. I looked back at a picture of us from our wedding. I looked at those two people posing in a garden. I'm holding a huge bouquet of flowers and wearing a big white dress with spaghetti straps. C is wearing a handsome black suit. That wedding took over a year to plan and was one of the more stressful things I've ever done. Part of my happiness that day was due to the fact that I wouldn't have to waste another minute of my time planning a wedding. 

   I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Neither of us did. All we knew was that we loved each other and wanted to spend the rest of time together. We had discussed many things during our long engagement. We knew that after the ceremony we would never have to face anything alone again. We would have hard times and good times. Our adventure was about to begin.

   One of the things we didn't know was that we would move four times before our fifth anniversary. We didn't know there would be eight job changes between the two of us. One of those jobs changes involved a lot of driving around the Twin City area.

   I didn't know I would be making multiple trips to South Carolina. I didn't know that I would grow to love grits, boiled peanuts, the city of Charleston and Simpsonville. We didn't know that we would spend hours on the beach picking up shells to bring home.

   We didn't know that we would spend many happy hours exploring the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the Chicago Botanic Garden, Milwaukee and downtown Chicago. We also didn't know that we would spend a great deal of time buying cheese at factories all over Wisconsin.

   We had no idea that I would wind up in the hospital twice, once for surgery. C didn't realize that he would learn to cook and discover that he truly enjoys it.

      Remember what I said at the beginning of this column, the part about not planning another wedding. Well, I didn't realize that I would be planning another wedding. To the same guy. This time I got to wear a dress with sleeves and  have a carrot cake. 

   No, we didn't know what would happen to us 17 years ago. All we knew was that it would be an adventure, one that we would share.

   It has been and still is.


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