This Past Week


   This past week a high profile trial began in Minneapolis. It's being broadcast live on many channels and commentary makes the news every night. On one hand, I'm glad because people can see for themselves what witnesses and lawyers are saying and not depend upon the interpretation or reports of those in the courtroom. On the other hand, I worry about the safety of all those participating in the trial if it doesn't turn out the way some people want it to.

   There are those who may think I'm being dramatic when I say this. I'm not. A few years ago a kicker on a football team missed a kick that would have given his team a win. The next week he got death threats from angry fans. Whistleblowers and other who say unpopular things often get death threats. I've even gotten a couple of them. Some will say that people who make those threats don't mean it. Well, it is a scary thing regardless. You have no idea if the person  threatening you is going to carry it out. 

   To save my mental health, I'm not watching the trial. I have no influence over the outcome. What will happen will happen. Instead I'm turning to happier things. 

   One of those happy things is that our house is finally getting resided. We'd wanted to do this for a long time and had planned to have it done last spring. Covid intervened as it did in the plans of so many. The company that makes the siding shut down and the materials were unavailable. We got a call a few weeks ago that the company was up and running and shipping. That meant the siding could be installed soon.

   Sunday a crew came and removed the old siding. It was a noisy process. We could see the many places where woodpeckers had pecked completely through the siding. The whole house has been wrapped in some sort of material. Now the crew is working on replacing the soffit and fascia. So far things look good. 

   Another happy thing is that my Dad, uncle and I have all been vaccinated. This week my Dad suggested that is might be safe for the three of us to resume our occasional lunches together. This makes me happy because I haven't seen my uncle in over a year and I miss him. I think my Dad misses him too.

   Our bikes are back from the bike shop where they got a much needed tune up. Once the weather gets warm enough we will be riding again. To prepare I have been working out on the elliptical more often. I like yoga, but I need a bit more cardio work. 

   The last thing that made me happy was a ring I picked up. A friend of mine showed me her morganite engagement ring and ever since I have wanted a ring with that stone in it. It's a pink to peach colour stone. I've been looking wound for the right setting and stone. I found it at the same jeweler that made my wedding ring. This made me really happy as I prefer to buy from small businesses. The setting is the same setting that I have for two other rings, a simple silver setting that lets the stone stand out. The jeweler found the perfect stone a few weeks ago. It's a pale pink with a nice sparkle. I now have all the jewelry I need. 

   In fact, I've discovered that I have everything I need. There isn't anything I want. It's a wonderful feeling to have enough and I'm very grateful for it. I only wish that more people could enjoy this feeling.

   Today is Mac's birthday. His wife, Ellen, has invited C and I to a picnic this afternoon. Tomorrow is General Conference and Easter. We have a lot to look forward to.


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