Writer's Block


      Occasionally I sit down at the computer without a single idea of what I'm going to write about. Most of the time I have an idea or at least a glimmer of an idea. Sometimes I start on something and then delete the whole thing to go in a different direction.  

   Today I'm stuck. After watching clips of this past week's vice presidential debate (Why did they even have one?) I was thinking about a rant on how mysogyny is alive and well in the United States. We have not come a long way. For some reason if a woman displays confidence, intelligence and holds any position of power of authority, she's deemed unlikable, abrasive, bitchy and power grabbing. Heaven forbid that she should insist on being heard!  I could go on and on about this, but several other people already have. I'd rather write about lighter things, pleasant things. There is enough unpleasant in the world right now.

   Normally I would write about General Conference. Last week was the 190th semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The conference is two days of music and talks by church leaders. For the second time the conference was held in a theatre inside the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. Due to COVID 19 restrictions only those participating in the session were in attendance. The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles which is the main governing body of the church sat in the front. The chairs were placed six feet apart and everyone wore a mask unless they were speaking. I was comforted by the sight of these masked leaders. There has been a lot of controversy on the wearing of masks. Among the 14 ( one of them had been exposed to someone who had tested positive and stayed home as a precaution.) men seated, two of them were medical doctors. Surely they would know how to keep themselves safe.

   The reason why I'm not writing about the conference is because I had to work during conference weekend. I'd rather not work during conference weekend as there is something special about watching it live. All the session are recorded and can be watched after the fact, but it isn't the same as watching it live. I suppose I could have tried to get the weekend off, but we will be in Door County this month and I felt that it wouldn't be right rearrange the schedule. 

   I could write about the lovely fall weather we are having. Autumn is my favorite season now that I am no longer in school. I love the colours. I love the smells. There's just something about walking through a pile of dry crunchy leaves that makes me happy. (The fact that it's hot chocolate and apple season doesn't hurt.)

   It's been warm enough that we have been able to ride our bikes. We have found a new trail that runs along the Minnesota River. There a park on the trail that has a lovely view. Across the river is the airport. You can even see Bloomington and Minneapolis in the distance. The park has picnic tables all around. It would be nice to pack a lunch and pause there for a bite while we explore more of the trail.

   The sun is shining again today. Although it is going to be cooler, it's a good day to go outside. I'm going to do just that. Have a good weekend everyone!


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