Opening Up

   Things are starting to open back up in Minnesota. Last Sunday was the first time that a worship service was held in the chapel. I wondered how it would be coming back. I knew there would be precautions taken to prevent as much as possible the spread of COVID-19 due to being around a lot of people. I wondered how it would be. Would there be an aura of fear lingering in the chapel? Would it be a spiritual experience? Would anyone show up?
   The Bishop had given instructions a week in advance for how things would go. The ward was split up into two halves. One half would attend on the first and third Sunday. The other half would attend on the second and fourth Sunday. We were asked to wear masks into the building once seated they could be removed.  Pews would be blocked off to insure proper distancing. There would be no singing and no handshaking or hugging. We were asked to bring hand sanitizer to be used before taking the Sacrament. 
  We walked into the church building with masks in place and found a large bottle of hand sanitizer with a pump on it. Taking the hint we each pumped a little into our hands and rubbed it in. We walked down the hall to the chapel greeting the few that were in the hall. It was strange to see it so empty. We took a seat noticing that there were not many people. As time went on more filed in all wearing masks, except one infant. A group of adult men were reviewing with the teenaged   boys who were to bless and pass the Sacrament that day how it was to be done.
  The Bishop opened the service by welcoming everyone. We had a musical number instead of the opening hymn. The opening prayer was said. A few business items were announced and then it was time for the Sacrament hymn. It was strange to not sing. All the hymnals were gone. I had brought my iPad so I could read the words. When the Sacrament tray came to us we took the bread and the water when they were passed. My eyes filled with tears. This was the first "normal" thing I had done in awhile. I was grateful to be able to worship with others again. 
  It was Fast and Testimony meeting. This is the day when members fast and give the money saved from the uneaten meals to a fund that serves local people in need. It's also a day when people can come to the the pulpit and talk about spiritual experiences they have had. 
   I left feeling grateful. Even though it not like it used to be, there was something about being around others that filled my heart. I was happy that we could attend.
   The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum has also reopened to visitors. Like everyplace else, their operations have changed. In order to visit, you had to get tickets in advance. Only a certain number of visitors would be allowed at one time. Parts of the garden were blocked off. The main buildings were all closed.
  We were able to get tickets for today and got there just after our set arrival time of 11:30. There were people there but nowhere near the number there would be on a good weather day like today. It was strange to not start out by going through the main building. We started walking around the main building.
  The one thing I noticed was there there seemed to be more bees than I had seen before. I'm guessing that several weeks with no humans around had made the the lovely flowers more available to bees and butterflies. While watching I saw something that looked very strange. It wasn't a bee and was too big to be a wasp or hornet. (I don't think wasps and hornet eat nectar from flowers.) There is only one thing it could be. It had to be a hummingbird. I had seen hummingbirds before, but none that small. I watched it. It had to be a hummer. Insects don't have small thin beaks. It made me happy to see it flying around the colourful flowers. 
  We walked around the gardens. The paths were all one way. I didn't like it as I like to go to the gardens in a certain order but I understood why it was this way. It would allow for people to keep the appropriate distance. We walked through all the gardens near the main building first pausing to look at, smell or take pictures of a few things. Normally we walk the Three Mile Drive but in the opposite direction to watch the cars.
  The Three Mile Drive was restricted to cars only. There was a Three Mile loop path that could be used by those walking. It was a nice trail that went through most of the outer gardens. It took us through a few that we had never seen before. It also wound in an opposite direction than the one we usually take. This allowed us to see some things we'd seen before in a different way and a few things that were new to us.
  When we were done walking we were hot tired and hungry. We were also both happy. Every summer we had gone to the Arboretum two or more times a month. This was the first time we had gone this year and we missed it. It was good to be able to visit again even with the restrictions in place.
   Although things are not the same as they used to be, I'm glad that things are opening up again.


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