New Sheets

   Now that the weather is warmer it's time to start using the summer sheets. I have always had summer sheets which are cotton and much cooler to sleep on and winter sheets which are flannel or jersey and are warmer. 
  We had a really nice set of purple sheets that had a high thread count. It was almost like sleeping on satin. Unfortunately, Colby, in his desire to burrow under the covers one day ruined the fitted sheet. Since I can't use mismatched sheets we used the other set that we had which was brown. I had mentioned a few times that I'd like to get another set, but there were other things more urgently needed than another set of sheets.
  Yesterday, C mentioned that we should get a new set of sheets. Since we were going to Costco, we thought we could look there. 
  After we finished getting the food we wanted, we looked at the sheets. The selection was pretty thin. The vast majority of the sheets were for king or queen sized beds. Ours is a double. The only double bed sheets were white, plain white. I'm not a big fan of white things. They get dirty too easily and the dirt never seems to come out. We were near to a Bed, Bath and Beyond store. I figured we might as well look there.
  I went into the store and looked in the bedding section. C was going to get some other stuff and come back for me. I found where the sheets were and started to look. It didn't look good. It figures, just like I have trouble finding clothes in my size, it looked like I was going to have trouble finding sheets in my size. Were we the only couple in Minnesota with a double bed? It sure seemed like it.
  After looking carefully, I located a few double bed sheets but they were knit cotton. Not whet I wanted. We had plenty of those. I found some microfiber ones, but they were polyester. I prefer natural fibers. It had to be cotton. I was just about to give up when I saw something. They were the right thread count and cotton. They were also a bit on the pricey side. I sent C a message asking him what he thought.
  Minutes later I got an answer. Buy them. It's an investment. It's not like we do this every day. He's right. The last time I bought sheets was seven years ago when Carrie moved in with us for a few years. I looked at the colour selection. There wasn't much. There was light blue, grey, dark blue, white and a cream colour. We had plenty of blue. I'm not fond of grey and white was definitely out. Guess it would be cream.
  C and I met and we took the sheets up to the register to pay for them.
  Once we got home we stripped the bed and put them on. Yes, I know they are supposed to be washed first. We did it anyway. I liked the feel of the fabric. I also liked the colour much better. It was more of a vanilla shade, very lovely.  The sheets fit smoothly on the mattress pad. The bed made up nicely. 
   When it was time to go to bed, I turned down the bedspread and top sheet, pausing to admire the look of the sheet. I got in and covered up. It was lovely. I liked the feel of the sheet. It was nice and light and would be cool enough even on the hottest days. I lay my head down on the pillow. The pillowcase was smooth and lightly scented with the pillow spray I had put on it. I was definitely going to have a good night's sleep.


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