There's Always Something to be Happy About

   OK OK, I know the title of this not grammatically correct. However, there's always something about which we can be happy just sounds a little stilted to me....
   All the news lately seems to be bad. It seems that the number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise along with the death tolls. According to news reports medical personnel are working without protective gear, the economy is in shambles, there's not enough testing kits to allow medical providers to know who has Covid-19. Schools are scrambling to figure out how to do online education for students. Many people are getting bored with staying inside. No good news anywhere.
  A few weeks ago I brought up my amaryllis plants. I have several of them. My dad gave them to me. None of them have ever bloomed. I've asked advice of several people. I've tried to follow it as best I can. All I get is lovely large green leaves every year.
  When I bring them up, I water them. The leaves come pretty quick. In fact sometime I think I can almost see them grow. When I checked for growth I noticed a leaf that looked a little funny. It looked more like a stalk with something on the top. I began to be hopeful. Could it be what I think it is?
  I kept watch over the growth. In a day or so it was clear that my suspicion was correct. It was a flower stalk with a bud on top. For the first time ever one of my amaryllis plants was going to flower I don't even care what the flower looks like. I'm just grateful that I'm getting a flower. The best part is now that I know I can get an amaryllis plant to flower, I might be able to get other ones to flower. This is something to be happy about.
    Sunday when I worked, the tech I worked with was telling me that management had lunch brought in for the store employees, but that no one told the pharmacy staff so that we could get food too. We both grumbled a bit at that. It seems  the pharmacy staff tends to get left out of things like that. A couple minutes later a manager stopped by. A sandwich chain had delivered lunch for the employees, he wanted to know what kind of sandwich we wanted. I got a vegetarian sandwich. The tech got turkey. When I looked at the sandwich there was a little sticker that said, "thank you" on it. It made me smile. Several customers had thanked me for being open and doing what I was doing. It's strange to me to be thanked for something I've been doing over half my life, but I like it and it's something to be happy about.
  Yesterday it got up to 60 degrees outside. I had the day off so C and I went for a walk. It was nice and sunny outside. We walked with Mac and Ellen, two friends of ours. (keeping appropriate distance of course.) It was so nice to walk outside and be warm doing so. That is something to be happy about.
  This morning C and I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and found a blue hat to wear. It fit over my pony tail and looked pretty good. I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. This doesn't happen very often so when it does, it is something to be happy about.
  I stocked up on tea at the end of last year. I got enough for about five or six months. I'm happy about this because tea shops are probably closed. (I'm picky when it comes to tea.) This is something to be happy about.
  I know that these things are all rather small, but they make a big difference to me. When everything is looking scary and things seem to be very unsure,having a few things to be happy about can make a difference in my ability to handle things. As time goes on I'm sure I'll find more things to be happy about.


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