Crow Pose
Over the years I've been taught that the best way to get anything done is to make a list of goals. Then you prioritize the goals and come up with action steps and benchmarks for completing each goal. This has always sounded like too much work. I have trouble thinking that far ahead mainly because something usually comes along and disrupts everything. Finishing Personal Progress before my birthday was the only goal I'd set for myself. I figured that barring some major catastrophe I could get it done and I did. Now I find myself wanting to take on another project. Nothing really big and nothing that involves needing help from anyone else. Something I can work on. As many of you know I've become interested in yoga. Not enough to want to teach it, I'm too scared to even leave my house to do it publically. One of the things I've noticed is that starting my day with a little yoga makes me feel good. I don't feel tight and flabby. I feel stret...