Colby Gives A Speech

   Hi This is Colby.
    Scamp has been telling me how much fun it is to give a speech. He goes on and on about it.  He thought that I might like to give a speech. I wasn't so sure. I'm very quiet and kind of shy. Scamp said it would be fun and that I should try it. So I did.
   I decided I would talk about how I came to live with C and Sophie.
   It was kind of a scary story. I was born in a shed and my mother took care of me and my siblings. My mother was a good mother. She took good care of us and taught us how to hunt.
   Slowly some of our family went missing. Every few days some one would disappear. My mother was very sad but there was nothing she could do. She taught us to be wary of humans. Some of them were good, but some of them were not. She taught us it was best to avoid them.
   Eventually I was left alone. Everyone had disappeared. I lived in the shed hunting by night and sleeping by day. I did all right but I missed my siblings and I was all alone.
   One day I didn't have good luck hunting. I was hungry. I saw a trap that humans had set. I knew it was a trap because my mother had pointed it our to us once. She told us to stay away from them. There was food inside. I thought I could just nip in and grab the food and then escape. It didn't work. I was trapped. I was scared. What was going to happen to me. Was I going to be hurt by bad humans?
  Soon I found out. The humans took me to a house and let me out of the trap. They told me that all my family was safe. The humans told me they had trapped me because it was getting colder and not so safe for me to live outside. I was sent to live with a foster mother. She was good and kind to me. I has other cats and dogs to play with so I was no longer lonely. I was scared of humans and would hide under furniture whenever one came around.
  My foster mother told me that she would hep me to find a forever home. I was scared. I loved my foster mother and didn't want to leave. She comforted me by telling me that she would make sure that my new family would be kind to be. I was taken to places called Petco where people could stare and me and little humans would poke their fingers in my carrier. I was very scared.
  One day my foster mother said that she was going to take me to a place where a human wanted to meet me. I was all right with it. It had to be better than Petco.
   I was taken to a small room and let out of my carrier. I saw a nice looking human with dark curly hair. She seemed to be gentle and kind, but she kept trying to remove the crumbs from my eyes. I don't like that.
   On the way home my foster mother asked me if I would like to live with the human we met. They had a nice home for me and they had another cat a little older than me who wanted a brother. I said that I would. She seemed to be kind. I was a little scared about the large male human who was with her, but I thought it would be all right.
   They day came and it was time to go to my new home. My foster mother gave  me a small blanket to take with me and she gave me my favorite toy, a small yellow and blue fuzzy ball.
   I love my new home and my humans and my brother, Scamp. They are good and kind. I'm so happy to have a forever home.


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