Hopeful and Happy
Today is one of those days that gladdens the hearts of those who live in what my in-laws call "The Yankee Deep Freeze". The sun is out. The snow is mostly melted. The temperature is around 30 degrees above zero. Life is good. I think this is something we need to do now and again. We need to look around and find things that are good and be happy about them. I'm guessing there are a few of you out there who are thinking that this is attitude is silly, pollyannaish, and disgustingly optimistic. You might be right. There is a lot of darkness and ugliness out there. There's hatred, fear, anger and the Mueller report. You are surrounded by snowflakes, leftists, liberals, heretics, neoNazis, foreigners, communists, socialists, bigots, racists, misogynists and people with strange coloured hair and I'm telling you to be happy. I must be smoking something. Well, I'm not. (smoking, that is) I have just come off a period of time that had some highs...