Attack Ads

   Now that elections are over it's safe to watch TV again. The political ads get pretty tiresome. The worst are the attack ads.
   I don't understand why political candidates still run attack ads. I don't know anyone who likes them. They are not helpful in making an informed decision on who to vote for. They've got to be expensive to put together. They must be effective though or I don't think candidates and other entities would continue to use them.
  To me campaigning for political office is like applying for a job. The only difference is that instead of one or maybe a few other people that interview a job candidate, there is a county, an area,a state or even an entire country that interviews and then votes for who they think would do the best job representing them.
  If you look at campaigning for political office like interviewing for a job, then you can understand why I don't get attack ads. It's usually considered to be in poor taste to bad mouth other applicants for a job. The chance of someone badmouthing other applicants getting the job they applied for is pretty small. It's considered unprofessional, gives the impression of an inability to work with others and is just plain bad. Yet politicians and other groups that want to sway elections use attack ads.
  I wish that we could conduct political campaigns like job interviews. Instead of all the expensive ads and campaign rallies, candidates would fill out a job application. There would be questions on the application regarding things that are important to the constituents they are seeking to represent. They would need to list their qualifications. This application would not be optional. All candidates would be required to fill it out. A copy of all the applications would be sent to everyone that would be voting on that candidate. In addition, a copy would be posted on the internet for all to access.
   There would be televised interviews. The question would be asked by a reporter who does not have any political affiliation. There would be no ads of any type.
   Doing this would solve a lot of challenges. It would decrease the cost of elections, allowing others of more moderate means  to run for public office. It would decrease the amount of money individuals and groups seeking to influence an election would give to candidates. it would also allow voters to make more informed choices.
  I know it's wishful thinking. There is no incentive for any candidate or group to get behind this however, a lady can dream. maybe someday.......


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