The Case for Hats

     I like to wear hats. Sometimes I get complimented on the hat that I'm wearing. Many times I will hear something like, "I would like to wear hats, but I just don't look good in them."  I never understand women who say this. That makes as much sense as saying, "I don't wear tops because I don't look good in them." Just like there are many kinds of tops, from crop tops to long tunic tops, there are many kinds of hats.
    I believe that all women look good in hats. It's just a matter of finding the right hat. I've looked at several charts and found that there are 12-15 different basic styles of hats.
    Most women see a hat in a store or on a rack and try it on. They look in the mirror, dislike what they see and take the hat off. Then they assume that they don't look good in hats. The fact is, they don't look good in the hat they tried on.
  Not every woman looks good in every style of hat. There are several styles that are unflattering to me. I don't wear berets, beanies, slouch hats or western hats well. I've never tried on a turban, but I imagine that it wouldn't look good on me either. I'm sure there is some way to figure out what type of hat looks best on what type of head. I've just done it by trial and error.
   Another consideration is color. Hats are really just like any other piece of clothing in that respect. You look for colors that you like and that look good. I personally do not buy hats that I can't wear with outfits I already have. For instance, one time I saw this lovely yellow hat. It was beautiful. It had a wide brim, interesting details and it fit perfectly. The only problem was that I had nothing to wear it with.
   I think another thing that keeps women from wearing hats is that they think that you just plop it on your head and go. That may work with some hats, but not with all of them. Sometimes you have to work with a hat to find the way it looks best. Many hats have a tag in the back of the hat. I often ignore the tag. I've found that sometimes a hat will look better worn backward or even with the "back" to the right or left side. Sometimes the hat needs to be slightly angled.
   I believe the fact that few women wear hats causes women not to wear hats. (Did that make sense?) It is a little intimidating to walk into any place and be the only woman wearing a hat. I can understand that. I personally think it's funny. No one would think twice about being the only woman carrying a certain kind of purse, wearing a certain color or a certain style of clothing. Hats are a whole different thing. Maybe because it's hard to ignore a hat even a hat that isn't really ostentatious.
   I would like to see hats come back into fashion. Wearing a hat not only gives you a certain sense of style that nothing else really can, but it can also transform an outfit and give the wearer a bit of confidence. Not to mention that you will never have to worry about bad hair days again.


  1. I like the kind that have the price tag hanging down, like Minnie Pearl in Grand ol' Opry.


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