
   Recently C and I enjoy watching the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is like the original Star Trek show except that it takes place 99 years after the original series. I like Captain Picard and all the main characters of the show, but I do have a favorite. My favorite character is Data.
   Data is the second officer and operations manager. He's also an android with an advanced positronic brain. He can't feel emotions, can't speak using contractions and doesn't understand a lot about human emotions and behavior. He doesn't need to sleep or eat and is resistant to disease (except for computer viruses.)
   Despite the fact that he isn't really human, the rest of the crew of the Enterprise treat him as though he is. In fact, in one episode, a scientist from Starfleet wanted to take Data apart to study him. The risk was that there was no guarantee the Data could be reassembled back into the entity that he is. Part of the episode involved a trial where Captain Picard had to prove that Data is a sentient being with the right to make his own choices as opposed to something that is the property of Starfleet to be used as needed.
  One thing I like about Data is his childlike innocence and curiosity. Being an android, he is highly intelligent but does not see himself as a superior being because of it.
  I also like some of his language. For instance, in one episode he said, "I may be chasing an untamed orthinoid without a cause." What he meant was that he might be on a wild goose chase. He tends to come close to saying some inappropriate things without knowing what he is saying is inappropriate.
  He doesn't have feelings, but as the series goes on he seems to develop some ability to feel or at least act like it. He forms friendships and I think in one episode falls in love. (at least as much as he is able to.)
  Another thing I like about Data is that he has a cat. His cat is named Spot. Spot is actually an orange tabby, which means she is striped instead of spotted.
  I'll mention one more thing that I like about Data. He knows what he wants. There is an episode where a crew member mispronounces his name saying 'Dah-tuh' instead of 'Day-tuh'. when he corrects the person, she says, "What is the difference?" He replies, "One is my name, the other is not." I can relate to this.
  I think the reason that I like Data so much is that I can relate to him. Sometimes I just don't understand people. Sometimes I feel like I was brought up on another planet. Data is kind of like that and he gets along anyway. It's nice to see.


  1. Yeah, I say inappropriate things too, in an attempt to be funny; Kind of embarrassing sometimes. I had a cat named "Spooky" but she was the opposite of being spooky. The most loving cat I ever had, and we had lots on the farm. I was very upset when she disappeared. There is an old indian legend that if you are sad when someone or a pet dies you will hear a hoot owl hoot near your window for a few days after. Like in the song "Wild fire" by Michel Murphy. That is what happened to me. Quite strange...


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