Lights Out
The power at our house went out about 20 minutes ago. I was in the middle of writing this column when the computer flickered for a few minutes, then went blank. I freaked out because I was just starting to write. How was I going to get this done? I mentally kicked myself. I knew I should have done this in the morning. I should have got up earlier and done it. If I’d done that then I wouldn’t be stewing over the power outage right now. I didn’t do that though. I had to figure out what to do. Maybe I could use the laptop. No, I couldn’t do that. C was using it for some Toastmaster business. What else could I do? Then I realized that I could use my IPad. It wasn’t going to be the best choice, but it was all I had. I got it out and started to load my program on it. It wasn’t working. It wasn’t connected to the internet. Of course, the modem runs on electricity and we didn’t have any. Fortunately, C’s phone can act as a hotspot. He ...