Today is a Good Day

   I am a very happy camper as I write today. It has been a good day and the day isn't even over yet.
   The store is now open on Saturdays for four hours which means I worked this morning. We didn't have a lot of people coming in so it was a good time to catch up. The tech got the garbage, recycling and shred bin emptied. We got some prescriptions organized. There were several prescriptions we couldn't fill because the drugs were out of stock. We got them ordered in. The tech had time to order some over the counter things as well. The shelves were getting a little bare.
   I stayed for an hour after we closed to get some paperwork done. I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, but it was better than nothing. I worked in the office and enjoyed the peace and quiet in the empty pharmacy. There's a nice spirit in my store. I can't explain it. It's unlike anyplace I've ever worked at before. Everyone gets along and we are all working together to help our customers and build our business. When I left I brought home a box of Christmas decorations that I used at the store. I'll put them in the basement until next year.
   C is out of town until tomorrow. He flew to South Carolina to attend Dean's memorial service.  I decided to make a big pot of chipotle bean chili. C prefers the kind with meat in it. I like making the bean chili because I can put it in a crockpot. I can get other things done while it cooks and when I'm ready to eat it will be done.
   Another thing that is making me happy is the fact that the sun is out. Our living room is filled with light anytime the sun shines. It's also warm out although, in the winter, warm is a relative term. It is 18 degrees above zero. This is a big change from the -9 to -15 degree temperatures we've had the last few days.
   North Dakota State played in the FCS championship game today. The game was played in Frisco Texas. They played against James Madison who eliminated them from the championship game last year. (James Madison went on to win the championship.) I wasn't sure how NDSU was going to do and was scared to watch the game. It turns out that Bison fans are celebrating all over the place as NDSU won. The score was 17-13.
   The only household chore I have to do is wash dishes. I like washing dishes. Once I'm done with that the rest of the evening is mine. I plan to watch a movie and work on a scarf I'm knitting. It's made out of really soft yarn so I'm enjoying my work.
   I'm truly grateful for days like these.


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