We Need Some Order Here


   I will admit, last week was not a good one. Most of the week I was definitely down and feeling depressed. Going from full time plus to not working can do that to you. I'm feeling much more positive this week. A few good interviews and some potential opportunities help.
  Now that I'm feeling better, I'm looking around the house. There are some things that need to be done. When I was working, I told myself that I'd do it on my day off. I'd take care of it on a weekend or maybe take a little vacation time to get things done. The trouble is, none of this happened. I didn't want to spend my few days off doing housework. I wanted to have some fun. I wasn't bothered by it.
  Now that I'm home on what I considered to be a leave of absence from the pharmacy profession, it is starting to bother me. I'm tired of my cleaning closet being cluttered. I'm tired of having to hunt for things. I feel the need to get rid of stuff we don't need and things that we should have disposed of years ago.
  Now is the perfect time to do it. I already have my first project marked out. It's my cleaning closet. I intended to keep cleaning supplies in there. Over the years I've kept candles. crayons, a Christmas tree skirt board games, toilet paper and paper towels in there. I can't even see what cleaning supplies I might have. It's time to bring some order to that closet.
   Somewhere I have a ton of candles and incense. I want to find them and burn them. I can't use them if I can't find them. There is no reason to save them. I have a lot of nice candle holders of various types. There's no reason why I can't bring them out. The same goes for the incense. I used to love burning incense. I liked watching the smoke curl. There is something soothing about some of the scents. I'm going to find it.
  I have boxes of papers that I don't need. I have old checks from an account that I closed before I was married. There's no reason to keep those papers anymore. It is past time to get rid of them.
  C bought two beautiful bookshelves at an estate sale. He put them in our dining room. That was back in March. They are still there. We haven't decided where to put them. The time has come to find them a new place.  I'm looking forward to having more room for books and to have more books readily accessible.
  I believe that everything happens for a reason. Maybe part of the reason for this leave of absence I'm taking is so that I can get better organized. Maybe I'm supposed to take stock of my life and get rid of old baggage mental, spiritual and temporal so that my path ahead is more clear. I'm not sure. Regardless, I believe getting our house in order is a good place to start.


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