I Feel Old

   Normally I'm not bothered much by age. It's only a number. I've never believed that younger is better and more beautiful. It makes me sad when women do things like Botox, cosmetic surgeries and other things in the quest to look young. I'm of the opinion that I am lucky to have lived this long when many other people have not been given the opportunity. Some of those people are friends and relatives.
  In the past few weeks some things have happened that have made me feel old. I'll share a few with you.
  Last week our new pharmacy manager started. She is a younger pharmacist. I knew that this meant I would be the second oldest person working in the pharmacy. (There is one tech that is older than I am.) It also meant that I would be the most experienced person on staff and the one who has worked for the company the longest. I wasn't prepared for just how young our new manager is. She is the same age as my stepdaughter, Carrie. She was two years old when I started my first pharmacy job. I've been a pharmacist nearly as long as she has been alive. That was how I started to feel old.
  A few days later I got a message from my Dad. He received an email from a high school classmate of mine. They are planning our 30 year reunion this summer and were looking for my address. Two questions came into my mind. The first was that I haven't been invited to a class reunion since the 10 year reunion. Why after 20 years was I getting an invitation? The other question was, has it really been 30 years since I graduated from high school? The answer is yes. I graduated in 1987. I've been out of high school for 30 years and out of college for 25 years. I felt even older.
  We have music playing over the speaker system at the store. Most of the time I tune the songs out. I have to or else I'll go nuts. Some times the channel that is played are instrumental version of popular songs. I call it elevator music.  I few weeks ago I though I heard something familiar. It was the tune of a song that I liked in high school. There was an instrumental version playing on our PA system.  
   This couldn't be possible! Only old songs are supposed to be elevator music. Not songs from when I was in high school. The next thing I know I'll probably hear 80s hits on the classic music radio station. I really started to feel old. It got worse when the new manager, who happens to love music, started talking about concerts she hopes to go to this summer. Most of them were bands I've never heard of.
  I'm certain that this feeling will wear off soon. Watching my March Madness brackets go up in smoke should do it. If I have time I should look into some of these groups that my new manger was talking about. Has anyone heard of the Backstreet Boys?


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