Continuing Education
Most people who hold a professional license have to do continuing education. There is a certain amount of cedit or hours that need to be done every year or two in order to renew the license. There are many ways to get CE (continuing education) Some go to seminars or classes put on by colleges, drug comapines or professional organizations. You can also get CE by subscibing to publications that send you lessons once a month. There are some poor unfortaunte souls who have to take "live credits" which means it has to be a seminar or something where there is an acutal teacher. I'm lucky because there is no live CE requirement. I can do it all on the internet from home. I needed to do some CE so I could renew one of my licenses. I looked through my file of lessons that I had not yet completed. There were many and the topics were varied. As I paged through them I realised that I have some very strange interests. I put them in order of ones that are most interesting...