Fair Weather Fans

   I am not a fan of the Minnesota Vikings.  Despite the fact that I live in Minnesota and have for many years I've never cheered for what would be the home team. Part of the reason for this is that my parents were both raised in Wisconsin by Green Bay Packer fans.
   I will say that I do have respect for the team. They've had very good seasons. Up until the last few weeks they were an undefeated team despite the fact that they lost their quarterback and their best best running back.
I do have a serious reason for disliking the Vikings. One reason is the new stadium. I had heard that Hennepin County gave the owner of the Vikings a lot of tax breaks and other incentives. This really bothered me. I know that one argument for the stadium is that it will create jobs. It would create some jobs, but those jobs would be low paying and seasonal. I also feel that the money the county was spending on the new stadium would be better  spent improving school in the county and other things that would benefit residents. Personally I wish the NFL would allow teams to be owned by the cities they play in. That way team profits would go back into the local economy instead of being taken by an owner who doesn't live in the state or really care about it.
  My main reason for disliking the Vikings is the fans. With a couple of exceptions, I just can't stand them.
   Number one, they are obnoxious. They enjoy getting in your face and trash talking. There are no bounds to where they will do this and to what extent. There are a lot of Viking fans at my store, they have no problem stopping by the pharmacy counter to say a few choice words. The Viking fans on Facebook are even worse. I can't count the number of anti Packer and other offensive memes I've taken off my page. I've unfollowed and at one point even unfriended one person because I just couldn't take it anymore.
  Now to be fair, there are obnoxious fans of every team. Green Bay fans in Green Bay can be pretty bad too. However, there are a few Viking fans who seem to go out of their way to be seriously aggravating.
  The worst thing about Viking fans, in my opinion, is that they are fair weather fans. They are happy as long as their team is winning. They are dance around, talking about how the team is going to the Super Bowl and are very happy. Until their team loses, then they are down on the team. they call them losers and complain about how bad the team is. Heaven help the player, especially the kicker who goofs something up. When Blair Walsh missed several crucial kicks last season, he got death threats. Seriously.
  Part of being a true fan is being loyal. Your team is your team no matter what. Every team has a bad period. It doesn't matter. It's still your team and someday things will turn around and your team will be back on top or at least a little closer to it.  This is a concept that Viking fans just don't seem to understand and it bugs me a little bit.
  C says that he's never seen fans like this. I haven't either. It makes me feel a little bit sorry for the team. I hope someday the Vikings will get some loyal fans. I will not be one of them.......



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