I Kind of Like Her
Hi This is Scamp. When C and Sophie got on a trip we have a cat sitter that takes care of us. Her name is Judy. I used to get very upset with C and Sophie when they would go away. I would rather that they stay home and spend more time with me and Colby. I would get very upset when I would see the suitcases come out. Judy comes once a day in the morning. She feeds us breakfast and sets up dinner trays for us. She cleans our catboxes too. I really like that she does this every day. Sometimes C and Sophie don't clean them for a few days. When she first started coming I would be mean to her. I would hiss and growl. Sometimes I would pee on things so C and Sophie would know I was upset. Sometimes she would bring us small toys that I would ignore. I always made sure to watch her to make sure she did things like she was supposed to. The past few years I stopped growling and hiss only once in awhile. She does feed us after all. Last spring I dec...