Weird Food

  For several months C and I had been seeing  posts on Facebook and hearing from others about how good mashed cauliflower is. We both like cauliflower raw and lightly steamed. We were also looking for an alternative to potatoes, not because we are believe that potatoes are a dangerous vegetable that should never be consumed, but because we wanted a little variety. We finally had it last night. To be fair we did add two Russet potatoes into the mix. The result was pretty good. There were lumps, but that was all right with me. I prefer a bit of texture to my food.
  It got me thinking about other strange foods that I like to eat.
  I like tuna, but when I make it I use cottage cheese and a little mayonnaise. I don't like mayo. It's too slimy for me. I put in a little onion and garlic power as well. The original recipe came from a cookbook I like. My favourite way to eat it is with Triscuits. When I do this the cats tend to like spending time around me trying to get at my lunch. I don't share it with them. If I make a sandwich, I have to have pickles on it. Eating a tuna sandwich without pickles is like eating baby mash. Yuck.
   Last week we went with friends to Buca for dinner. They have a build your own pasta selection. You pick from a list of different pastas, sauces, vegetables and meats I picked linguini noodles, pesto, artichoke hearts, broccoli and peas. To this I added chicken. The result looked weird, but I loved the taste. If I could find a protein other than chicken it would have been perfect.
  I'm very fond of Brussel sprouts. I'm not sure why. We never had them when I was young. In fact, the first time I had them was when C made them as a side to a fish dish that he cooked. They look like little cabbages to me. When we go out, if Brussel sprouts are on the menu I want to try them. If C and I have to share the side dish, I have to pick something else. C does not share my love for the sprouts.
  My favourite grilled sandwich is a Monte Cristo. It is a ham, turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich. This is dipped in egg and grilled. You eat it with strawberry or raspberry jam. The fact that I like this is very strange. I don't like Swiss cheese and I really don't like ham. For some reason, those ingredients work in this sandwich. The only bad part is that it is very hard to find a restaurant that serves them anymore.
  A few months ago I developed a fondness for Goldfish crackers. I know that this isn't a weird food. However, it's not really something that an adult should like. Goldfish crackers are what little kids eat. One evening I was looking for something to eat at work. It had to be something easy to eat and something that can stay at room temp and still taste good. I found a snack pack that had cheese cubes, grapes and Goldfish crackers. I loved it. It was perfect. Probably not the healthiest choice, but better than some other choices I could have picked.
  I bought a couple bags of Goldfish crackers so I could make my own snack packs. (The one I bought had Swiss cheese.) These something fun about those crackers. Some of them have little smiles on them. When I'm at work, that could be the only smile I see. (It's bad when you are thankful for a smile on a cracker...)
  There are more things I could name, but it's time to wrap up. I have to go get my lunch ready for work. I wonder if I have anymore of that leftover pasta.....


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