Another Scarf

  A month or so ago my friend Helen, came to me with a bag in her hand. She asked me if I wanted it. Inside the bag was a partially knitted scarf and some balls of yarn. She had started the scarf, but decided that it wouldn't look good on her.
  I peeked inside the bad and knew instantly that I would happily take this project off her hands. The scarf was beautiful and the yarn looked like it would be fun to work with. It was very bulky and was worked on the largest needles I have ever seen. Even though it would be breaking my one project at a time rule, I took the scarf.
  I loved working on it. The yarn was one of those that changed between thick and thin. It was also self patterning which meant that the colours changed too. The scarf was actually two yarns knit together. the second yarn is called eyelash yarn. It's more like a thread with a fringe on it. It gives the scarf a fuzzy appearance. I really liked the look of the scarf and it gave me another idea. Using the two yarns together made a nice dense cloth. It occurred to me that the same combination would make a nice rug if I wanted to knit one. Because the yarn had so many variations, I didn't have to use different stitches. In fact stitch patterns usually can't be easily seen with yarn like that. All I needed to do was a simple knit stitch, which means it was a perfect project to work on while talking to someone or when I needed something mindless to do.
  I learned something about working on large needles. Things progress fairly quickly. I would knit a couple rows and it was clear that I had done something. (This is not always the case. I'm making a shawl. I knit for about half and hour and it looks like I've done nothing.)
  This new scarf presented me with a small dilemma. As lovely as it is, it is not in colours that look good on me either. I wanted to give it to someone, but I wanted to give it to someone who look good in it and would appreciate it. I had tentatively  decided to give it to my stepdaughter,Carrie. I really couldn't think of anyone else. Maybe one of her friends would want it. I decided not to say anything to her until it was finished. I could send her a picture and ask her if she wanted it.
  This past week, my sister-in-law, Dory, has been staying with us. She saw me knitting the scarf and admired it. Instantly I knew what to do. Dory lives in Pennsylvania where it gets pretty cold. She also doesn't have much and judging by what she brought with her, most of her clothes are old and worn. She could definitely use a good scarf and she already liked it. I told her that when it was finished I would give it to her.
  Fortunately for me it wasn't going to take long. In fact we took Dory to the Arboretum yesterday and I finished it before we got there. After I finished knitting it, I wove in the stray yarn ends. Then I rolled it up and handed it to Dory who was sitting in back. When we got out of the car she put the scarf up to her face. She liked how soft it was. I knew it had gone to the right person. It was well made and thick. It would definitely keep her warm in the winter. I was pleased. I had given it to the right person.
  Now back to working on the shawl......


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