Did You Make That?

   One of the things I used to do was treat myself to a new spring outfit every Easter. I quit doing that a few years ago when it became harder to find dresses or skirt outfits that were both age appropriate and modest.
  I decided to "shop my closet". What I found was a lavender two piece outfit. I hadn't worn it in several years. It still fit and I had a hat to match. I was hoping that I had something to dress it up a little. I has on a pearl necklace and earrings, but wanted a little more colour.
  As we were preparing to go to church, C mentioned that it would be a bit chilly and that I would need a jacket or coat. It wasn't warm enough for my spring coat and it was too warm for my winter coat. I had just finished knitting a shawl that I thought might work.  The yarn was self patterning in shades of pink, lavender and grey. I found the shawl in my basket of knitted items. I settled it around my shoulders. The colours matched and it was just the right weight. It was exactly what I was hoping for. C agreed and we went off to church.
  When we got to the church lobby, I saw a woman I know and went to greet her. She noticed my shawl and asked if I had made it. I told her I had. As I said the words a warm feeling came over me. It was the first time I had been complemented on an article of clothing  that I had made.
  Until that moment anytime someone asked me if I made an item I was wearing, I had to answer no. My usual answer was something along the lines of I wish I had or it was made by someone, but not me.
  I didn't realize what a sense of accomplishment I would feel by answering yes. It made me feel good that my work was recognized. What made me even happier is that the woman, who also knits, asked me if she could use my pattern. "Of course," I said. That pattern was a free one anyway and very easy. It made me happy to think that she liked what I had done so much it inspired her to make one for her own.
  A few other people noticed my shawl and complimented me on it. Each time I felt that warm feeling of satisfaction. Those compliments were worth all the frustrating times wondering if I'd ever finish it and worrying that it would be too big.
  I realized just how much I enjoy making things. I loved doing latch hook and cross stitch when I was younger, but those crafts have such limited use. I took up knitting because I could make practical things. Things that I and others could use and enjoy.
  Now I'm thinking of ways that I could wear that shawl. As long as the weather stays on the cool side I can still wear it. I may head to the yarn shop to see their selection of shawl pins. Since this one turned out so well I'll make another shawl using a simple lace pattern and summer weight yarn. I'm excited to see how it turns out.


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