A Place for his Stuff

   Finally, after eight years C has a place for his stuff. When we first got married we shared the five drawer dresser that I had. It worked, C did not have much in the way of clothing at that time. As the years went by he got more things to wear. It was becoming clear that we needed more space.
  We tried using some cloth shelving that could be hung in his closet. This worked sort of. He had a place for his shirts and some other items of clothing. The down side was that it ate up about half of his closet space.
  We kept talking about getting a second dresser for him, but we never really did anything about it. This year we decided we needed to buy something. Our original thought was to try to find something small maybe three drawers. Our bedroom isn't that big.
  We looked at a few furniture stores. I thought one guy was going to laugh at us when we told him what we were looking for. He suggested antique stores or Craig's list. I was a woman on a mission. We were going to find something. We went to another furniture store.
  We looked through the store and thought we had struck out again. Then I noticed that we had not looked through a section of children's bedroom furniture. Maybe we would see something there.
  We found a tall, dark wood, five drawer dresser. It was beautiful. The problem was that it was a little too tall. If it had two less drawers it would have been perfect. However I was a woman on a mission. C needed a place for his stuff. C and I discussed it for a bit. He thought it was too expensive and also too large. I didn't think the price was too bad. I would prefer to spend some money and get something nice that would look good with the rest of our things than to get a piece of cheap junk that looks bad and falls apart right away. The dresser was solid and would look good with the rest of the bedroom furniture. We would find a way to make this work.
  We bought it and decided to pick it up. C measured the car and thought we could make it fit
   This past Friday we went to pick it up. C pulled up to the loading dock and with the help of a nice young man tried to get the dresser into the car. It just wasn't happening. It was just a little too big and half of it stuck out of the back. C tried to tie down the trunk thinking that we could still get it home. I was seething with impatience.  It wasn't going to work. I knew it wouldn't work. We needed to go rent a truck and come back for it. C eventually came to this same conclusion.
  We went to Menards and rented a pickup truck. It was a nice one with a big bed. We were going to get that dresser. We returned to the store. This time the dresser slid easily into the truck bed and on top of an old blanket we brought along. We wrapped the dresser in the blanket and went home.
  We got the dresser into the garage and then returned the truck. By this time it was late and we were hungry. We decided to leave the dresser in the garage overnight and bring it into the house the next day. Over a late dinner we planned how we would rearrange the bedroom furniture to accommodate the new dresser.
  Yesterday we went to work. The first thing we needed to do was move my jewelry armoire. We moved it. The carpet underneath needed vacuuming. There were also all kinds of bits of paper and other things that needed to be sorted though and thrown away. Then we needed to move my bedside table over. When I looked under the table I saw things I hadn't seen in years. I also saw a lot of cat hair. Before we vacuumed C brushed the cat hair out of the carpet. The size of the resulting hair ball was the size of a small kitten.
  Finally  we had space. We went to get the dresser. We thought we would be able to remove the drawers. This would make it much easier to carry. The drawers did not come out. We needed to figure out something else. We decided that would carry it into the house and set it on the old blanket. Then we would slide the blanket on the wood floor to the bedroom. We would just need to carry it into the bedroom and put it in it's new home.
  It worked well. The new dresser looked good with the rest of our things. Yes, the bedroom is a bit crowded and we will have to relocate a picture to a different wall. We will also have to relocate a bookshelf to the living room. Those are small matters. The important thing is that C now has a place for his stuff. It's worth it.


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