Several months ago C read something that said cow's milk is an unhealthy beverage. It turns out that that the milk board and dairy farmers have been lying to us all these years. All those celebrities with the milk mustaches were selling us a bill of goods. What kind of world have we come to when you can't trust Princess Kay of the Milky Way?
This meant that we needed to find a replacement beverage. There are just some times where only a cold glass of milk will do. Fortunately we have many choices. I'd like to take you through my journey to find a replacement.
The first thing we tried was almond milk. It was touted as being the healthiest with lots of omega 3 fatty acids and other good things. C tried it and loved it. I didn't. I don't like almonds, to me they are unbearably bitter. Unless they are smoked, smothered in honey or ground up and put in Bit O Honey candy, I can't eat them. I imagine that if I were ever poisoned the poison would taste just like almonds. We tried vanilla flavoured almond milk and sweetened almond milk to no avail. I could still taste that nasty bitter taste. We continued to buy almond milk, because C likes it.
I tried soy milk. The vanilla had an odd sort of taste,but I didn't mind it once I got used to it. Sometimes I would get chocolate sot milk as a treat. I would warm it up and have instant hot chocolate. I was happy, my search was over. Then C spoke with our daughter-in law. She is very into healthy and clean eating. If anyone would know what is healthy and what is not it would be her. She told C that soy is VERY unhealthy. Keep away from it as much as possible. For me this meant no more soy milk. I would have to continue my search.
I tried a small juice box sized container of rice milk. It was like drinking water that was colored white. No thank you.
A friend of mine was drinking oat milk. She liked to combine it with a spoonful of cocoa powder. She said it wasn't too bad. That natural sweetness of the oats made it almost drinkable. I wasn't planning top do that, but thought that oat milk was worth a try. I bought a carton of it. Since it wasn't in the refrigerated I put it in the pantry.
This was a big mistake. When I wanted to drink it, it was warm. There are some beverages that taste good warm. Oat milk is not one of them. I put it in the fridge to cool. A few days later I pulled it out and poured myself a glass. It was sweet.... and watery. I was not going to drink this again. I finished off the carton I had, because I don't beleive in throwing food away.
The next time we went grocery shopping, I checked near the almond milk to see if there was anything else to try. I found some flax milk.
It looked good. Healthy omega 3s not too much sugar, definitely worth a try. I bought a carton. A few days later I poured some over my cereal. It was not watery like the rice and oat milks. This was a good sign. I ate a spoonful, not bad. I might be able to drink this.
The next day I poured myself a glass of flax milk. I took a big drink and almost gagged. It was really think. It reminded me of the whole milk that we used to drink out on the farm. Not pleasant. I would have to find something else.
A few weeks later we were grocery shopping again. I checked to see if I had any alternatives left. There was one. It coconut milk.
That shouldn't be too bad. I like coconut. It was worth a try so I bought a carton.
A few days after buying it I opened it up and used it on my morning cereal. It was not too bad. Not too think and not too thin. I felt cautiously hopeful. When I got to the bottom of the bowl I drank the milk on the bottom.
I twas sort of like drinking suntan oil mixed with cream. Geat if you were drinking a pina colada, but not first thing in the morning. This would not work. There would be times when the taste of coconut would not go well with something else that I was eating. I wasn't going to buy it again.
That is pretty much all my alternatives. All the pother kinds of milk are combinations of the ones I meant. It was official. I had flunked milk alternative.
I decided that there's only one thing for me to do. I was going to go back to drinking cow's milk. It can't be that bad. Calves seem to do just fine on it. I would just make sure to buy the organic milk.Maybe it isn't the healthiest of beverages, but it's not as bad as the alternatives. Besides that, in the winter, cow's milk makes a great cup of hot chocolate....
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