Three Guys

   One of the things that we wanted to do while we are in South Carolina is to get together with C's two best friends from high school. Two years ago we had found one of them and met him for a very nice lunch in Myrtle Beach. C had found the third member of the trio on Facebook. We were going to find some way to meet him. It didn't matter how far we would have to drive, we were going to find some way to meet with him.
  We found out that he was going to be travelling the week we would be in South Carolina. He was going to be near Myrtle Beach. We were also going to be in Myrtle Beach. The friend that we met two years ago lived near Myrtle Beach. It was going to happen. C, Dan and Scott who played football, ran track and were close friends in high school were going to see each other again. It had been nearly 40 years.
    Dan and Scott were a year ahead of C and went off to college. Dan went to a small college in North Carolina. Scott went to the college that his father attended. When C graduated he went to college at a small Methodist school nearby. The three guys drifted apart.
   During those 40 years life happened. They graduated and found jobs. They married and had children. Some of the marriages ended in divorce. There were remarriages. There were moves to new homes. There were career changes. There were golf games.There was church work. One of the three was a coach for several sports teams. There were wins, losses and time spent training. There were successes and failures. The children married and then there were grandchildren. Each of the three was living his own life, Dan in North Carolina, Scott in South Carolina and C far away in Minnesota.
  Then there was the internet. C found Scott and then Dan. Facebook was a way to sort of keep in touch. He could see pictures of their families and share pictures of ours. It was a little something, but see C wanted to see them again. We decided that when we went to South Carolina for vacation, we would meet with them.
   We planned our itinerary C sent messages to Dan and Scott. Right before we left we found out that Dan was going to be near Myrtle Beach at the same time we would be there. The pieces were coming together. It looked like the three guys were going to meet. Phone calls were made and the final arrangements were in place. .
   The day of the meeting was sunny. Dan was going to pick us up and we would all go to meet Scott. C brought his banjo, his camera and a backpack with some CDs that he had recorded. We went outside to wait for Dan. He arrived in a big black pickup truck. We climbed in and were off down the road.
   The drive gave C and Dan some time to catch up. C told Dan about how he wound up in Minnesota. Dan talked his career as a coach and physical education teacher. They talked about playing golf, tennis and running track. They shared a few stories.
  We met Scott at his church. He was helping to do some landscaping. He was waiting for us when we pulled into the parking lot he walked toward us as we parked and got out of the truck. There were hugs all around. The three guys were together again and were happy to see each other. After a quick consultation we decided that we would all go to Scott's house to talk for a bit and then have lunch.
   Scott lives in a beautiful area. The houses looked fairly new and well landscaped. We all sat down in the living room and the guys started to talk. I sat back and listened most of the time inserting a little bit here and there. As it grew closer to lunch time, Scott's wife, Jeanette, called. We decided that we would have lunch together and she would meet us there.
   When we got to the restaurant,she was waiting at a table along with a little boy who was their grandson. We ordered lunch and settled down to eat. The restaurant owner, who knows Scott, came over to greet us. When we were done eating, the guys started to talk. I looked over at Jeanette and decided to go over to talk to her. I  sat across from her and we chatted and watched the little boy.
  After awhile we decided to go back to Scott and Jeanette's house. The little boy wanted to ride with the men. Jeanette asked me if I wanted to ride with her. I said yes. Jeanette is a Beetle driver like me so I wasn't about to say no. As we drove we talked and she pointed out some of the local sites. She showed me where she and Scott first lived after they got married. It was in a lovely area with trees covered in Spanish moss. She showed me the lake that her sister lives near.
   The guys were already at the house settled in the living room. C had his banjo out and was playing it. The rest of the afternoon alternated between talking and listening to C play his banjo. While we were talking two more grandchildren were dropped off to spend the night with their grandparents. One of them was a little girl. C played a few tunes for the two children who sat on the coffee table and waved their hands in time with the music.
  Then it was time to go. Dan would have supper waiting for him and C and I had a dinner reservation. There was a last round of hugs. The time was too short. We would need to do this again. Dan, C and I got into Dan's truck and waved as we drove off.
   It was so cool to see those three guys together. Even though so many years had passed since their football and track days it was the time had not passed. They were able to pick right back up. You could tell by looking at them just how much they enjoyed each other's company. Time may have changed some things for the three guys, but not their friendship.
   The next day there was a post on Facebook and text messages. Everyone was happy to see each other and wanted to stay in touch. I think that's a very good idea. I'm already looking forward to the next get together.


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