It's Not Arrogance

  Hi! This is Scamp. Last weekend Colby wrote a column and in it he called me arrogant. He was told to apologize to me. Like a good big brother I forgave him. I asked Sophie if I could write the column today because I want to correct a big misunderstanding about me.
   I am NOT arrogant. I don't know why people and Colby think I am. I think it's because when I walk I keep my head,tail and ears up. I walk with grace and directness to wherever I am going. I suppose this might look like arrogance to some.
   It's not though. It's not arrogance at all. It's confidence. Confidence is a good thing. I know where I am going and I know what I'll do once I get there. I am sure of myself. I know that I am  good Chief House Cat and an excellent Chief Therapy Cat. I am capable of scaring away intruders and can hold my own in any tussling with Colby. I am also a beautiful cat. I have good posture, piercing green eyes, a long tasseled tail and  silky, immaculately groomed fur. Why shouldn't I walk with confidence?
  One thing I've noticed is that it seems unfashionable to be sure of yourself. I don't know why. I think it is silly. If you are sure of yourself then act like it.
  Maybe it's because you humans think that others will think you are arrogant. I can understand that. I didn't like it much when Colby called me arrogant. Maybe it's because you humans seem to like people who are humble. That's something I don't understand. Sophie tried to explain that humility is a virtue. I still don't get it.
  I don't think that confidence should be considered a bad thing. It beats acting like you don't know what you are doing.
  I think that you humans need to try to be more confident. Do the best that you can and then  try to do better tomorrow. Don't worry that others will think that you are arrogant. You are human and humans are not perfect.
   Cats, on the other hand, are perfect.  Wait!  That's it! I think I have a way to help humans to be more confident. Pretend that you are a cat. If you have a cat, talk to them and ask them for hints. If you don't have a cat,there's all kinds of cat videos on the internet. Watch some of them and then try to imitate what you see. (Walk on your two feet though, trying to walk on four feet like a cats do might be a little creepy.) Don't try to imitate dogs though, unless you have a poodle. Those dogs have a good sense of style.
  Remember if someone tells you that you are being arrogant, tell them it's not arrogance, it's confidence.
  I'm going to take a nap now.


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