Hate 2014

  In April of 2012, I wrote a column titled "Hate". I was watching the news and seeing mostly violence. I had also recently listened to a talk by President Dieter Uchtdorf of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The talk was titled, "The Merciful Obtain Mercy" The talk was on being judgmental. He included the following in his talk.
"This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:
Stop it!"
  In my column I emphasized that this should be appliqued to hated of others.
   I've been looking at the news again. Most of what I am reading is about violence, shooting,looting, raping, inflammatory language and vandalizing. I decided it was time to do something that I've never done before. I decided it was time to revisit the topic.
  One thing I have never been able to understand is why people think that the proper reaction to a violent act is to react with greater violence. How does looting and damaging the businesses of people that had nothing to do with the original act of violence help anything? Does it bring back the dead? Does it change the mind of the jury?  No, it doesn't. Not only is nothing better, it is because of this, it's worse. If the goal is to drive a wedge in between groups of people, congratulations. You've done it.
  I find it ironic that we teach children that bullying is wrong. Most parents would agree that when a child is being bullied, the appropriate way it not to react with violence towards the bully and other students.
  To me that's what this looks like. It looks like extreme bullying. It's all right to loot and burn and riot as long as you are doing so to obtain "justice" right?
  To me I don't see justice being served at all. I don't see that one thing good has come out of this. I will tell you what I see has come out of this. The perception that all police officers are thugs who hunt African-Americans like deer hunters hunt deer. I see that if you don't agree with the rioters then you are a racist if you are of European descent and Uncle Tom if you are African American.
  This really bothers me. It bothers me because we as a country are at our best when we stand as a untied front. The diversity we have could be a great strength. Instead being a solid group we are like Legos tossed around by a toddler. It bothers me that we make assumptions on each other based on what a person looks like. If you are of European descent, then you must be racist. If you are a man then you must be all right with violence against women. If you are a Christian, then you must be a bigot.
  I would like to repeat  the sage advice of President Uchtdorf one more time. If you are guilty of making a judgment call on someone based on how they look, where they live or their income, stop it. To those who think the way to obtain justice is to create and fan the flames of violence, stop it.
  We are in the Christmas season, which to some people means a time of peace and goodwill towards all. Let's give it a try. Obviously violence has not made things better. Let's try to be more charitable towards others. Don't make assumptions. Let's look at the original situation and see how we can keep it from happening again. Let's learn from our mistakes and move on. Let's rebuild.
   I believe that we are fully capable of getting along with each other. I say we should give it a try. The first step has been clearly outlined for us. I'll quote President Uchtdorf again, "When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:
Stop it!"


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