What Makes a Woman Happy

   Someone shared a post that got onto my Facebook page. It was a list of how to make a man happy and another list of how to make a woman happy. The list that dealt with how to make a man happy had five items on it mostly dealing with physical needs. The woman's list had 53 items on it. In one way I found it interesting and in another way I found it completely offensive. It gave the impression that women are needy, emotional creatures where men are clearly not. It also implied that a woman can only be really happy with a man when he is and can do everything.
  I would like to propose my own list of what makes this woman (me) happy. Don't worry. It won't be 53 items.
  First off, be a friend. Be the kind of person that I can go to for support when things are bad and celebration when things are good. Encourage me when I need it. Be a partner.
   Be honest. Don't lie and don't sugar-coat things. Your words and your actions should match. Don't lead me on. If you are not interested in me don't act like you are.
   Be faithful. Don't cheat or go behind my back for any reason. If there is something that is tempting you to be unfaithful get it out of your life or discuss it with me.
   Be independent. What I mean by this is that you should be able to dress yourself, feed yourself and keep yourself and your surroundings clean without help. You should know how to pay bills, manage money and do laundry. Being unable to take care of yourself is not attractive.
  Have some education. Read books. Be the kind of person that can entertain for hours without resorting to TV, the internet or your phone.
  Be caring to me and to others around us. No further explanation.
   Have your own hobbies and interests. We shouldn't be clones of each other. Talk to me about your hobby. Let me watch or ask questions. Who knows, we may have a good time watching sports or doing a crossword puzzle together.
  Be willing to let me disagree. I may not like all the things that you like and want to do all the things that you do.  Don't write off my dislike or disagreement as a character flaw.
  Stay away from my stash of M&Ms. No further explanation.
  Be willing to try new things with me. You may decide that you don't like the couples cooking class or calamari. That's all right. Just be honest with me about it.
  You don't have to like my cats, but at least respect the fact that my home is their home. This goes for dogs, ferrets and any other pets/ companion animals.
  This is a more realistic list of what it takes to make me happy. Part of the reason why that list of 53 items bothers be is because it is unrealistic.  No one can be all the items on the list man or woman.
    Another reason why the list bothered me is because it is very one sided. It expects one partner to be and give a lot without giving and being a lot in return. I maintain that my list can go both ways. A man can reasonably expect that a woman should also have the above mentioned qualities.
   In the end a good relationship should be one of equals looking in the same direction. Not one person needing another to complete them, not two people looking in different directions. Both putting equal time and effort into maintaining the relationship.
   That's what I think......by the way C does have everything on my list.


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