A few days ago a Facebook friend of mine shared an article from the New York Times. I would have skimmed right over it, but C insisted I read it. It's title is 'Love People, Not Pleasure'. It points out that fame and fortune tend to make people unhappier rather than happier. (Mind you this is a very simplistic statement. There is much more to the article and I recommend reading it.) Can I get a big "Duh" here? This is a concept that has been preached over and over again. Most religions advocate such a stance. A few self-help programs teach it. Philosophers have philosophized about it. Everyone pretty much ignores it. It's not really true, right. We all know that he (or she) who dies with the most toys wins. The message that bigger is always better, more is always better than less and that keeping up with the Joneses, the Kardashians and the Trumps is really what we all need to do dominates. Being happy with what you h...