
    Hi! This is Scamp. I have taken over the writing duties this week. I want to tell you about something that happened a few weeks ago.
   Sometimes Sophie posts conversations that she has with us on Facebook. Most of the time she gets it right. Several of her friends really like to read these. I'm not surprised. I'd rather read about me and Colby than some famous person's wedding plans. (Does anyone really care anyway?)
  The popularity of these posts made Colby and me think. Maybe we should have a Facebook page of our own. It would be so much easier if we did. Then we could post on our own. Sophie doesn't like it when we post under her name.
  We had be to careful about how to bring up the subject. Sophie is very careful of us when it comes it the internet. We are not allowed to use it unless she is with us. We are also not allowed to download anything. The internet has a lot of good stuff like videos of lions and instructions on how to arm knit. (Colby thinks he may be able learn to knit by using his paws.) There are some not so nice things too. I know Sophie wants to protect us.
  Colby and I decided that I should ask Sophie about it first. One day while she was grooming me I asked her if she would be willing to let Colby and me have a Facebook page. While she was glad I asked her first, her answer was no. She didn't want us sitting in front of a computer all day wasting our time. I think asking her why it was all right for her to waste time on the computer and not all right for us was a bad move.
  I was upset, but Colby didn't think there was room for worry. We just needed to let the matter settle a bit and then bring it up again.
  Colby decided that he should ask next. He asked her while she was knitting. He thinks it is a good idea to talk about these things while she's knitting because she's in a good mood when she knits. She still didn't think it was a good idea, but told him that she would think about it.
  We decided to let the matter sit a little bit longer. There was no rush. Then a friend of Sophie's remarked on how our conversations should be on their own page. She thought that quite a few people would like it. I was anxious to say something to her. Colby didn't think it was a good idea. The next day Sophie posted a question asking people if they thought it would be a good idea to let us have our own Facebook page. Several people thought it would be a good idea. I got really excited. We were going to get a page of our own. We would not have to depend on Sophie. We could post whatever we wanted.
  Colby thought we should wait and ask Sophie again. I didn't think that we needed to wait. One afternoon, when Sophie went out to run errands we went into the computer room to set up our page. It was pretty easy. We posted a couple of pictures and wrote a little bit about ourselves. Then we logged off.
   A few ours later I heard Sophie log on to computer. Then I heard her yell for me. She must have discovered what we had done. I was right. I jumped on her lap and looked at the computer screen. There was our page. I paused to admire the pictures we had posted. We are really good looking cats.
  It was clear that Sophie was not happy. The rules were that we needed to get permission before doing something like this and we had not asked her permission. I tried to explain that it would be easier than going to her page every time. It didn't matter. We had broken the rules. I decided the best thing to do was apologize. Maybe if I said I was sorry and looked cute while doing it she would let us keep the page. It didn't work. I had to do something. I really really wanted my own Facebook page. Finally a thought came to me. Maybe Sophie would let us keep the page if Colby would promise to stop trying to chew on her yarn. There wasn't time to ask Colby if he was willing. I took a deep breath and told Sophie that Colby would stop trying to chew on yarn if she let us keep the page. I heard Colby protest from the other room. I wanted to tell him to shut up. I was trying to save our page. The least he could do was cooperate.
   Sophie paused for a moment. I waited. This was a good sign. Then she said, "All right, I'll let you keep it."
  I breathed a deep sign of relief and started to purr. We had done it. We had our own page. We are now cybercats. (Colby was mad at me for a few days. He's over it now.)



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