Slate's Clean Here

   A few days ago C and I watched the best sports movie ever. It's called 'Hoosiers'. If you haven't watched it, you should. Even if you don't like sports in general or basketball in particular, watch it anyway. There is something for everyone. (Unless you enjoy violence, there's no violence or gore in this movie.)
   The movie is about Norman Dale, who comes to the small town of Hickory ,Indiana to coach the high school basketball team. Norman has a bit of a checkered past. He was a successful college basketball coach in New York, but one with a temper. In the last college game he coached, he hit one of his players which earned him a permanent suspension from coaching in the state. He went into the Navy and became a Chief Petty Officer.
  Ten years later Norman's friend,Clete who is a high school principal, finds Norman and hires him to coach the basketball team. While Clete is showing Norman around the school, Norman thanks Clete for what he has done. Clete brushes it aside saying, "We've been through all that. Slate's clean here."
  There are a lot of good quotes in this movie. That one is my favourite. "Slate's clean here." That theme runs all through the movie. A player who walked out of practice is given a second chance to be on the team. A former player who has become an alcoholic is given the chance to reform and help as an assistant coach. The former player's son eventually gives his father a second chance to be a dad. All through the movie characters are given a chance to prove themselves and redeem themselves from mistakes they made in the past.
  If you've read this column for any length of time you will know that I am a big fan of second chances. (and third, fourth and fifth chances as long as you are honestly trying.) You will also know New Year's Day is my favourite holiday. It's my favourite holiday because it means the slate is clean again. If the previous year wasn't a good one, there is a chance to start over. If the previous year was a good one the next year could be even better. Anything can happen. The slate is clean.
   I think we all know someone who could use a second chance. It could be a coworker, a friend, a family member. It could be your spouse or a child. It could be the person that needs a second chance is you.
   Let's all celebrate the new year by taking or giving a second chance. Let's let go of anything that is weighing us down. Let go of the things that you regret and can't change. The slate is clean, you can do better. Help someone else do better. Let's all put some good things on our slate this year.


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