Scamp and Colby's Thanksgiving Column

    This is Scamp. Colby and I have decided to give Sophie a break and wrote the column this week. Since it is Thanksgiving, we are going to write about the things that we are thankful for. Yes, cats can feel grateful. We just think that it is in poor taste to show that gratitude too often. Our humans may take us for granted.
  Since I am already at the computer, I will start. I am thankful for my grooming comb and brush. My new grooming comb is very nice. It has rounded metal teeth that don't scratch my skin. It also doesn't tug or pull quite as hard as my old comb does. The brush is nice too. I like it when Sophie lets me rub the sides of my face against the brush. It feels good especially against my whiskers.
   We got a new water fountain this year too. It is shiny and not plastic like our old one. Sophie says that it will be easier to keep clean. I like it because there is a place where the water comes out and it streams into a bowl. I like licking at the water when it moves. I also think I can see my face in the bottom of this bowl. I am a handsome cat.
  Let's see... what else... I am thankful for Sophie and C's bed. They have a really nice bed that is fun to sleep on. I like the quilt that is on it, makes it real easy to get comfortable. Sometimes they will forget to make it and I can sleep on the sheets. They have a set of dark purple sheets that look good with my fur. They are made of high count cotton so they are nice to sleep on especially in the summer when it is warm.
  Colby would like to take his turn now.
   Hi, this is Colby. I am thankful for my food dish. I am really thankful when my food dish has food in it. I like all kinds of food. My favourite food is tuna flakes. I could eat tuna flakes all day if Sophie would let me. If I did that I would be a fat cat. Since I'm already a little heavy that would not be a good thing. I am thankful that Sophie does not let me eat tuna flakes all day.
   I am grateful for my puffball. I like to bat it around on the floor. Now that we have a wood floor it is more fun to bat around. Sometimes I hide my puffball so Scamp cannot find it. It's my puffball and he can't play with it. He has other things that he can play with.
   I like the floor pillow that Sophie sits on. It makes a good place for me to lay down and take a nap. I am thankful for the soft, light blue blanket that Sophie puts over it. It is very comfortable. Scamp doesn't like the blanket. He says that it clashes with my fur. He says that I would look much better it I laid on the floor instead. I don't care. I look good no matter where I lay.
   I am also thankful for Scamp. I love Scamp even though he is vain and sometimes needs too much attention. He is a good brother. He is also a good tussling partner.
   Thank you Colby, I am thankful for you too. You are a good brother and you don't shed very much. You don't seem to mind that I need much more grooming and attention than you do. I feel safe now that you are the CHC (Chief House Cat). I'm also grateful that you know how to open the pocket door so we can wake our humans up in the morning.
   We are both thankful for the NFL Network. We like it when our humans stay at home and watch football. That way we get to spend more time with them. Besides that we are both Carolina Panther fans. C and Sophie don't like that, but we have to root for the team who has a mascot named Sir Purr. Cam Newton is also a pretty good quarterback.
   Last, but not least, we are grateful for our humans. C and Sophie are the best humans cats can have. They take good care of us, give us plenty of love and attention and are hard working. We love them very much.
   We are going to have a good Thanksgiving at home with our humans. I hope all of you out there have a good Thanksgiving as well. If you are travelling, drive safe, wear you seatbelt and don't text and drive.

 Happy Thanksgiving
C, Sophie, Scamp and Colby


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